Childcare for Emergency Workers
Childcare for emergency workers:
During this time of school closures, our Itasca Area Schools have been asked to support our families who are employed in the emergency services. If you are employed in emergency services and have a child enrolled in IASC schools grades K-12, you can request childcare using this form.
The Governor has defined emergency services workers as: providers of healthcare, emergency medical services, long-term and post-acute care; law enforcement personnel; personnel providing correctional services; public health employees; firefighters and other first responders; and court personnel. Recipients of childcare must be school-aged children Kindergarten through 12 years who are enrolled in the school district. Childcare will be provided during school hours.
The purpose of this support is to enable our emergency workers to help keep our community safe.
If you have alternative childcare or a spouse working from home, please consider taking advantage of that. IASC Districts are still attempting to limit large groups of children.
MDE's School-Aged Childcare Q&A
When do school districts and charter schools need to begin providing school-age care services for emergency workers?
- The expectation is that all school districts and charter schools have a plan in place to begin offering school-age care services to children of healthcare and emergency workers as of Wednesday, March 18, 2020. We encourage districts and charter schools who are closed on Monday, March 16 and Tuesday, March 17 to have a plan in place if a child comes to school.
What is the cost of school-age care for children of emergency workers?
- There is no cost for child care services during normal school hours for children of healthcare and emergency workers. The expectation is that districts and charter schools are providing that care through licensed staff, paraprofessionals and/or other support staff who would normally be working during the school day.
Will educators’ children be eligible for the school-age care for children of emergency workers services during the school day?
- Because school staff are so critical in providing care for emergency workers, schools and districts are strongly encouraged to allow their educators to access the same care for children of families of emergency workers.
Will schools still continue to practice the Minnesota Department of Health’s guidelines on hygiene and social distancing while students are participating in school-age care?
- Yes. Hygiene and social distancing practices will be applied including washing hands, avoiding large gatherings of 250+ and maintaining 6 feet of distance for smaller groups. For more information, visit the MDH Coronavirus disease web page for schools and child care.
Can any program run in a school during the closure period?
- No. Aside from working on distance learning plans and care for children of emergency workers, there can be no additional programming in schools during the closure period.
How do you define healthcare and emergency workers?
- See the image below for the Governor’s definition.