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All English-language Meetings
1 Day at a Time

Closed meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous.

We meet at 10 pm Eastern / 7 pm Pacific, 7 Days a Week, SMTWTFS and feature English speaking group members from all around the world.

Come along with us! We are an audio/video meeting and feature a 15-minute speaker or topic followed by a group discussion 7 days a week. All are welcome. Great for newcomers, longtimers and everyone in-between. 

Join Zoom Meeting

You may also call in:
        +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 773 878 425

Web Site: https://zoom.us/j/773878425

12 and 12

We work a step and a tradition each week. There is also open discussion on current events affecting a person's recovery. A fairly informal group of recovering Alcoholics that stress support and growth.

This is a closed meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. We ask that each person affirm the Third Tradition.



12 and 12 Friends of Bill Wilson

We are a group of men and women dedicated to the beliefs of Alcoholics Anonymous and to the legacy that our founders left us.

Rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path.

We have open discussions about recovery and weekly & monthly topics. Welcome to our forum.



12 Step Online

Online AA meeting place and discussion forum

Meeting times: every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30p-8:30p EST.
The room will remain open for general recovery chat 24/7 during non-meeting times.



12 Step Study Group of AA

12 Step discussion meeting (open)

A recurring discussion in the format of a book study.  Meeting opens with
selected reading from AA approved literature, followed by topic discussion
of the steps.  Note: no prior experience required.  questions welcome!

Time limit of 3 minutes per share with a 5 minute introduction to the step
being discussed.  1 hour meeting.  Please limit your discussion with topics
regarding Alcoholism.  Please respect the traditions and anonymity of ALL

Format: Zoom video chat

Meeting Schedule — Daily 6pm PST

Web Site, if any: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/2295431444
Public Email Contact, if any: aaebookguy@gmail.com


We are a group of sober alcoholics who love sobriety and we have been blessed with this freedom by the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. Our lives are enriched by working the A.A. program and by sharing our experience, strength, and hope with one another.

Our primary purpose is to carry this message to alcoholics who still suffer, and we are encouraged by the friendships we have developed in our recovery. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. We adhere to the 12 Traditions and have fun in doing so.

We encourage all to share on the weekly discussion topic but we also encourage fun and friendly cross talk and off topic discussions. We post a monthly Roll Call to maintain a current and accurate membership list and we are currently limited to 30 members. Personal criticism or antagonistic behavior will not be tolerated.


12 StepMe Chat

Our primary purpose is to provide an area for those who wish to assist others in doing the 12 steps as outlined in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, those who wish to learn how to sponsor others, and to demonstrate how God-dependence and service to others is the path to a happy, joyous, and free life.



164 and Beyond - Online Zoom Meeting

We are an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous hosted by the Remote Communities Committee of District 40 - Area 79 BC/Yukon. We have increased our capacity to 1000 attendees.

Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android:  https://zoom.us/j/2316225487   

Join from the Zoom App on your smart phone using meeting ID: 231 622 5487

Call in from iPhone with just one-tap (US Toll): 19292056099,,2316225487#

Call in from any phone:
Dial: +1 415 762 9988 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 231 622 5487

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?u=OHmR03Psk9jq93Rm-OOGIlgnrdPGZz-s_dR7Y1QrkOY

Meeting Times:

Mondays 9:00 am pacific time (12 noon eastern time)
  8:00 pm pacific time (11:00 pm eastern time)
Tuesdays 9:00 am pacific time (12 noon eastern time)
  BIG BOOK WORKSHOP 6:00 pm pacific time 
  8:00 pm pacific time (11:00 pm eastern time)
Wednesdays 9:00 am pacific time (12 noon eastern time)
  8:00 pm pacific time (11:00 pm eastern time)
Thursdays 9:00 am pacific time (12 noon eastern time)
  BIG BOOK WORKSHOP 6:00 pm pacific time 
  8:00 pm pacific time (11:00 pm eastern time)
Fridays 9:00 am pacific time (12 noon eastern time)
  8:00 pm pacific time (11:00 pm eastern time)
Saturdays 9:00 am pacific time (12 noon eastern time)
  (Speaker Meeting) - 8:00 pm pacific time (11:00 pm eastern time)
Sundays 9:00 am pacific time (12 noon eastern time)
  8:00 pm pacific time (11:00 pm eastern time)

Web Site: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/2316225487
Email: remotecommunities40@gmail.com  

1st Things First a Foundation 2 Recovery

Can't stop drinking no matter how hard you try; you have a desire to stop drinking; you're new to sobriety; or have questions about Alcoholics Anonymous -- we can help.

This group is based on the 12-Step recovery program of Alcoholics Anonymous, and to help the newcomer we will be working steps 1, 2, and 3 on a monthly basis. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. "If you have decided you want what we have and are willing to go to any length to get it -- then you are ready to take certain steps."

This group has limited membership, to stay in the group, you must be an active posting member. There is no room for half measures.



494 Lunch Bunch Group

Zoom Audio Meetings @ 12pm Monday-Saturday

1. To join call: (415) 762-9988 or (646) 568-7788

2. Enter the meeting ID [714 499 3468] followed by the # key

3. When asked to enter your participant ID - simply press the # key

You can also join by following the URL below:  https://us04web.zoom.us/J/7144993468
Personal Meeting ID: 714 499 3468

Open Discussion meeting - At the 494 Lunch Bunch Group, all are encouraged to join and share.  Topics vary daily, but always focus on solution-based sobriety and recovery.  Our group strives to provide a welcoming, supportive, and friendly environment.

Email Contact: lunchbunch494@mail.com

5th Dimension Group

The 5th Dimension Young People's Group (aka 5D) meets every day on Zoom at 9:30pm EST.

Email 5D.meetinginfo@gmail.com and we will reply with how to join via Zoom or call in.
You can also text 5d to 313131 from any US phone number to receive the same information.

Three fun facts:
(1) Our Wednesday meeting includes an ASL interpreter.
(2) We started in 2013 and have always been an online group.
(3) People from all over the world attend, but mostly the US.

7:30 meeting

Meet with recovering alcoholics from around the world in a safe anonymous virtual environment.
We meet every day at 7:30 a.m. Pacific Time and at 8 p.m. on Tuesday and Saturday.



@ Home Meeting of AA

We meet by telephone on Tuesday nights at 7:30 pm Eastern Time. No computer needed however long distance charges may apply. We are a discussion group with a 20-minute speaker the last Tuesday of the month. 

Simply call: 605-313-4838
Wait for prompt: 694733# 

Please Feel Free to Join Us

A Safe Place

LGBT oriented but open to all. The telephone meetings are held every Tuesday and Thursday nights at 8:30 pm eastern time. The phone number is (515) 604-9099 access code 310346616#. As the name suggests it is a safe place for all. 


A Spiritual Recovery

This AA group is oriented to serving agnostics, freethinkers, atheists, non-theists, non-believers, rationalists, naturalists, humanists, secularists, skeptics .....pretty much anyone who is likely to struggle with working a program of recovery that contains the words God, Him and His.

We have email topic meetings. Each week, there are multiple email topic meetings, initiated by a volunteer. Members are free to discuss the topics whenever they wish.

The group has a discussion forum. In addition to the weekly topic meetings, members may start other discussions as well, such as how their week is going or problems and issues which have arisen, whatever might be on their minds. Members who are already participants in the topic meetings may participate in the forum discussions too.



A Virtual Awakening

Starting 3/13 until further notice, we will be hosting additional meetings at the same link on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights at 8:30 PM EST and Thursday afternoons at 1PM EST in order to support sober people isolated by Covid -19.

A Virtual Awakening is a closed AA meeting for women, nonbinary and trans people. We read literature and hear the experience, strength, and hope of a speaker followed by a discussion.

Meets every Sunday at 8:30 PM EST, fellowship at 8:20.

Business meeting is at 8:00 PM on the first Sunday of the month.

To attend video meeting, use the following link: https://zoom.us/j/4822208285

To call in:

Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
Meeting ID: 482 220 8285

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/acsQmrum0g

Web Site: https://zoom.us/j/4822208285
Email: avirtualawakening@gmail.com 

A Way Of Life

This is an open discussion group which meets weekly using AA approved literature..."Living Sober", "As Bill Sees it" books to guide discussion on the challenges of "Staying Stopped".

Chairperson will lead the meeting by reading from the text and open floor for sharing. Join us and share with others how you are "staying stopped" one day at a time!

Thursdays 2-3pm EST
1(605) 475-6767 Passcode: 7332415#



AA A New Beginning

We are an online community dedicated to recovery from alcoholism using the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. We believe in upholding the traditions of AA, and strive to help those who still suffer.

We have open chat, as well as open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and email meetings. Chat meetings take place at 9:00 and 11:00 p.m. EST.

Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help others to recover from alcoholism.



AA Above All Else

Above All Else is a closed, open discussion email based group. Members set up a contact list for the group in their email/browser of choice. There are emails sent out daily from anyone who wants to share to the rest of the group. Members are free to discuss issues  such as how a member's week is going or problems and issues in their lives and how it relates to their sobriety. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking - You don't have to have any time in sobriety - just a desire. Newcomers are welcomed! We invite you join us, by sending an email to the contact below:


AA Acceptance Is The Answer

We are a closed email meeting for men and women who have found the solution to our alcoholism in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous.

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.

Each week we share on a step or a tradition and a question/topic submitted by a member. We share our gratitudes and our sorrows. We celebrate AA birthdays, share laughs, and the ups and downs of clean and sober living.

We encourage fun and friendly cross talk and off topic discussions. We take our recovery seriously, but not ourselves.

Although we are not affiliated with AA World Service, we do our best to adhere to the traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. The group is moderated to protect your anonymity.

We do not tolerate criticism or flaming. Our purpose is to provide a supportive place for sharing our experience, strength and hope with each other.
If you would like to participate in the new beginnings of this group, please give us a try!

All suggestions are welcome! This is YOUR group!



AA Action Is the Key

Action Is the Key

We are an eclectic group of men and women in various stages of sobriety; some a few days, some a few months, some a few years, and some a few decades. We've all had different experiences and taken different paths, but we have all found our way here for the same reason. We accept that the key to sobriety is in taking the simple actions stated in the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Each week, a volunteer 'speaker' initiates a discussion based on the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions. We rotate through, one a week. Additionally, the 'speaker' will offer a discussion topic of their choice for members' thoughts. All members are encouraged to share their experience, strength, and hope relative to the topics that week.

In addition to those topics, members may also discuss whatever might be on their minds; a thought, a fear, a success, an anecdote, or just talk about how they're feeling that day. We enjoy lots of chat, cross talk, and clean humor. We take our sobriety seriously but not ourselves. We have great camaraderie, we like each other, support one another, and therefore, personal criticism of others or arguments is not tolerated. We are here to find serenity and sobriety, not conflict.

The only requirement to be here is a desire to stop drinking. Remember, Action Is The Key!

If this approach to sobriety appeals to you, and you are willing to share your experience, strength, and hope on each topic, each week, or if you have questions, please join us.

To join us, or for further information, please contact Scout



AA Atheists and Agnostics

A place to achieve and share recovery from alcohol addiction that is fully accepting of non-belief in God.

Our only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.



AA Beginners Club

If you can't stop drinking no matter how hard you try, if you need to stop drinking for good, if you're new to sobriety, or if you have questions about Alcoholics Anonymous, then we can help. We want to share our experience, strength, and hope with anyone suffering from alcoholism, and share with you how we have recovered through Alcoholics Anonymous.



AA Big Book Cover-to-Cover

A daily telephone meeting that focuses on reading and discussing the AA Big Book, cover-to-cover. Open to all; everyone is welcome to attend. Meets at 8pm EST daily, 7 days a week. Call 425-436-6200 access code 575176#

AA Chat & Email Meetings

A variety of email and chat meetings chaired by solidly sober people ... lots of sobriety ... 24/7 ... and newcomers are always welcome!


AA Chats

A place for chat discussion of all things Alcoholics Anonymous. Anyone who thinks they may want to stop drinking is welcome.


AA Downunder Meeting

We are voice chat room for recovering alcoholics. It is a closed meeting and we have protocols that we follow, When you come in an admin will ask you to id yourself in IM. Please answer them. This way we try to keep it safe. We have over 80 members online and are still growing.

We meet 7 days a week, 8.30 Easteren USA time.

Go to www.paltalk.com; get yourself a nic; and then go to health issues click on health then overcoming addictions.


AA Fellowship

AA Fellowsip is a group of recovering alcoholics helping each other stay sober by sharing our ES&H.; The only requirement to join us is a desire to stop drinking.



AA Fellowship and Chat

AA Fellowship and Chat provides an open forum for AA members. We have open chat, discussions on any related AA topics and also conduct impromptu meetings. The room is open 8am thru 8pm EDT daily.


AA Firm Believers

We are a group of fun loving alcoholics who are serious about the solution that we have found by actively working the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. We utilize the steps; we do not analyze them. We are unified by the spirit of our fellowship in recovery, and we are strengthened by regularly sharing our experience, strength, and hope with each other. We adhere to the Twelve Traditions and we have fun in the process.

Though sharing on the weekly topic is expected, we have a lot of fun-spirited crosstalk and off-topic discussions. Personal criticism or flaming of any kind is strictly prohibited. We look at Principles, not Personalities.

If you have decided you want what we have and are willing to share on a weekly basis, then give us a try. Come, be a part of our joyful journey.

Contact Janice S. at the email address below.



AA Freethinkers Group

This group of A.A. attempts to maintain a tradition of free expression, and conduct a meeting where alcoholics may feel free to express any doubts or disbeliefs they may have, and to share their own personal form of spiritual experience, their search for it, or their rejection of it. We do not endorse or oppose any form of religion or atheism. Our only wish is to assure suffering alcoholics that they can find sobriety in A.A. without having to accept anyone else's beliefs or having to deny their own.

Our meeting is open to one and all, Buddhists, Taoists, Humanists, Apostates, Apatheists, Agnostics, Atheists and seeker are all found here.



AA Friends

AA Friends is a small online group of Alcoholics Anonymous started on April 21, 2013. The group holds two topic discussion meetings on Saturdays at 8 am
and 8 pm Eastern US time.



AA Holiday Group

The Holiday Group of Alcoholics Anonymous Meets ONLY on holidays. We are a telephone meeting. We meet from 8AM Pacific/ 11AM Eastern, and are an open meeting. We follow the primary purpose and 12 traditions of A.A. This is a topic meeting. Our hope is to give alcoholics a place to go on holidays when things might be tough, and also to have members be there for them in their time of need.



AA Indya

AA Indya is a email forum of recovering alcoholics in India and Indians staying abroad. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety. Anyone who has a desire to stop drinking can become a member whether Indian or not.

Sharing is based on experience, strength and hope. Each week, a topic is posted, and members share their experience, strength, and hope on the Topic.

Anybody already in AA who wishes to join can send an email to the address below, giving a brief introduction regarding his or her disease and date of sobriety. If you are a newcomer to AA, please state a desire to stop drinking, along with a brief introduction of your drinking career.



AA Jakarta

We are a group that meets on Sundays at GMT+7 via Skype. Format is a topic discussion. Connect to Skype I.D. aajakarta and be online 5-10 minutes before time and you will be invited in. Members are often loners in Asia, Australia, Mexico, USA



AA Lesbian 3 (AAL3)

We are a group of alcoholic lesbians with a member base of 22. We post a topic each week via email and everyone can share on that topic or share on anything they want. We have alot of experience, strenght and hope here.



AA Loners

An email list is available for AA members living more than two hours from the nearest meeting. Those who are homebound or who otherwise cannot attend AA meetings are also welcome.

Note that this is not a meeting for those wishing to help AA Loners. It is a meeting for A.A. Loners.



AA Meeting Online

Online meeting which meets daily at 7:30am Eastern and 10pm Eastern using GoToMeeting so that attendees may join via Internet Audio / Video and also by calling in to a telephone conference call bridge. This is a closed meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, which means you need to have a desire to stop drinking if you wish to attend.

Members may join the GoToMeeting by clicking the link on our website or from here:

Click to Join - Meeting hosted using GoToMeeting

This will launch a web based version of GoToMeeting on their computer or prompt them to install Free GotoMeeting Software.  If the link is clicked on a smart phone like an iPhone or Android device then the member can opt to have a Free GoToMeeting application installed on their phone to access the online meeting. 
Members may also join by calling in to a telephone conference call bridge.  Telephone access is open via a 24x7 Conference Call Bridge for AA members to call in to anytime and chat with others: 
Dial: 1-224-501-3412 and when prompted to enter Meeting Id# 445-854-373

Web Site: http://www.aameetingonline.com
Email: bill@aameetingoneline.com

AA Online / Live Chat Meetings

Step, tradition, discussion, Big Book, and fellowship meetings are held each week in discussion format. Everyone is welcome. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. A links directory, AA daily readings, and more. There are no dues or fees, everything is free.


Email: ttsoberalcoholic@aaonline.org

AA Recovery Net

Monday 7.30 pm Daily Reflections
Tuesday 7.30 pm Newcomers / from Nundah Group
Wednesday 7.30 pm Living Sober
Thursday 7.30 pm Big Book Topic
Friday 7.30 pm Identification / Sharing
Saturday 7.30 pm Topic / A.B.S.I.
Sunday 7.30 am Spirituality Sharing 
Sunday 7.30 pm Spiritual Concept

Members at the f2f meeting on Tuesday and those participating via skype are all invited to share their experiences.

Skype participation is audio only to limit the bandwidth. Always join via the link on web site below.

Meetings Every Night: 7.30 pm AEST Brisbane Australia timezone (AEST = GMT +10)
Meeting Sunday Morning: 7.30 am AEST Brisbane Australia timezone (AEST = GMT + 10)

Email Contact: brianedwardo@gmail.com

AA Serenity

AA Serenity is a closed, women's AA email meeting. Our weekly topics consist of a Big Book meeting, Grapevine meeting, and Newcomer meeting, as well as discussions on the Steps and Traditions of the corresponding month. We welcome all women who adhere to the traditions of AA. We have women from all over the world sharing their experience, strength, and hope in this group … and we support one another, as sisters, through all the bad times, as well as all the good times. AA Serenity remains one of the safest women’s AA on-line groups on the Internet.

Write to the address below to subscribe or for further information.



AA Social Discussion Group

An email group of recovering alcoholics to help each other stay sober one day at a time.



AA Steps 2 Recovery

Online Live Text Chat Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings

Our closed text chat Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are designed for those who cannot physically attend face-to-face meetings and offer an additional tool for those who can.

These are closed meetings based on the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. The only requirement for attendance is a desire to stop drinking.

Meeting Schedule:
10:00a.m. EST Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun
9:00p.m. EST Tue

Web Site: aasteps2recovery.org
Email Contact, if any: admin@aasteps2recovery.org

AA Steps to Recovery Worldwide

AAS2RWW is an international email group of Alcoholics Anonymous.

We are a closed AA Group, meaning we are open to those who admit they are alcoholics. Are you an alcoholic?. If so, please join us.

AAS2RWW is an email based meeting. Unlike a chat room, you don't need to log in at any particular time. Meetings are sent via e-mail by the chair for each day. Members can then read and respond or "share" when it is convenient and appropriate for them.

Each daily meeting shares on a recovery step, tradition, concept, or principle with reference to a quote from AA World Services Conference Approved Literature. The Leader suggests a recovery topic for discussion, and invites members to share 'on' or 'off' this topic.

Our primary group purpose is to carry the recovery message of A.A. and to provide a safe and friendly place for fellowship.

For more information, visit our Website Homepage by clicking on this link:

To join, Click here:



AA Way of Life

Alcoholics Anonymous Way of Life offers a warm welcome to anyone who is recovering from alcoholism with the help of the 12-Step Programme, and also to anyone who thinks they may have a drinking problem.

This is a forum where we share our experience, strength, and hope with each other.



AA Women in Recovery

A fun and easy women's AA support group. We give alot of encouragement, strength, and hope!



AA Women's Meeting

(Central European Time)
Thursday 21:00 CET
Sunday 16:30 CET

How to join: Please send a contact request to aawomensmeeting from your Skype account stating that you want to attend meetings, and be on line 5-10 minutes before the meeting start time. In the Chat box, you can ask to be added to the meeting and you will be called by the meeting's technical host. When you see the Skype call on your screen, answer with voice only. Video is not supported.

Mission Statement: This group originated in Continental Europe in 2010 to primarily serve women who live in non-English speaking countries or who have difficulty accessing English-speaking meetings in person.

Meeting Format: All meetings are 1-hour long with a chairperson that follows a format. The theoretical attendance limit is 25 (Skype's limit), but can range from 15-20+ depending on the strength of the internet connection.



AA-AAE The AA Experience

We are a closed online meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. As a group we adhere to the Twelve Traditions of AA. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.

Through email posting we offer experience, strength and hope to every alcoholic who asks. You'll find posts on recovery, the Twelve Steps, the Twelve Traditions, and socializing. We do try to have a fun time while remaining serious about recovery. We look forward to your membership and your shares. We all need each other in sobriety.


Open AA chat meetings are held daily at 8am, 2pm and 8pm edt/est.
The room is open 24/7 with recovery and fellowship chat between meetings.
All are welcome and we look forward to meeting you.

We have extended our meeting length to one and a half hours in order
to help meet the needs of those impacted by Covid-19. 

For futher information, please visit our website. 

Email:  info@aa-alive.org

AA-Australia Unity Recovery Group

We are an audio group holding regular meetings daily. We practice the 12 Twelve Traditions in our group.

9:30pm daily EST (Sydney, Australia, time zone)

To access our group:

1. Download a small program from "Paltalk" then register a nick name.

2. Click on the "groups" tab and go through the list until you come to the "Health Related and Body" lobby.

3. Enter and select the AA-Australia Unity Recovery Group.





A group of men, from all walks of life, who share their experience, strenght and hope with each other, one day at a time.




This is a male only group for twelve step members.

To join please write to Geoffrey at aagentlemenlistowner@gmail.com

Web Site: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/aagentlemen
Email Contact: aagentlemen@googlegroups.com

AAlways Remain Teachable

A place where members of Alcoholics Anonymous can meet to share fellowship through email sharing. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. To join please supply your Name, email address, State and Country of residence and DOS to https://groups.google.com/d/contactowner/aalways-remain-teachable


We put a weekly topic and all members in the list are able to share about the topic during the week, also we publish the daily reflections in our list.




Women needing support, sponsors, comraderie, information about recovery; we study the Big Book, 12X12, and other AA approved literature in the context of women's issues. But all topics are open for discussion. We ask that all who are interested to submit a biography and we will contact them with information about our meetings (three days a week and traditions). A member will welcome the newcomer, and the bio will help us to decide how to help and incorporate them into our group.

We are friendly and inclusive. We encourage newcomers of all types.




One of the original men's groups online. Weekly topic open for discussion by its members, numbering about 30.

Contact Alorando at the address below to subscribe or for further information.




We are a closed AA meeting group for women who are lesbians with a limit of 30 members.

Members may read or share on a weekly email topic. Off-topic shares are also welcome.


AAmen is an International Online Men's Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. We meet online through e-mail to share our experience, strength, and hope on weekly topics. We are composed of many men from around the world. The format of our meeting is that of a Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. The only requirement for membership in AAmen is that you be a man with a desire to stop drinking.

To subscribe, please contact our list-owner at
aamen-owner@mailman.prismnet.com or visit our website
www.prismnet.com/aamen for more information.



aaonlineen.fr (aa in english in france)

Our group name is our website name.

We are an English speaking group of alcoholics, who have all affirmed Tradition 3. We were founded in France but we have a worldwide membership. Members share ES & H at will. Plus we have 2 weekly topics.

Access is via registration & a password. Members may read mails on our site & on their PC/Mobile. We have at least one bilingual member.

We also have a weekly English F2F meeting in Granville, Normandy. Details on website.



An Alcoholics Anonymous Online group based in Australia. A place where members of Alcoholics Anonymous can meet to share fellowship through email sharing.

If you would like to join us, to speed up the process, please email me direct at frankyernst@gmail.com
Thank you
Franky E.


AAW14/Serenity Sisters

AA Womens Closed group who have trusted servants of Greeter, Birthday Co-ordinator, and List Keeper. We were named AAW14 and have been going for many years. We are capped at 25 and share each week on a different AA topic including the Step and Tradition corresponding to the month. Many of us are unable to get to face-to-face meetings, due to remote location or disabilities, and we appreciate this group as a supplement to our regular meetings. 

We are serious about our recovery but do insist that we are not a glum lot as we also have alot of fun. We are ladies from all over the world. We are an email group which maintain our membership list in our address books.

Contact Natalie at the address below.

AIA Nederland




Ajax Virtual AA Meeting

Closed Discussion meetings for alcoholics or those who think they have a problem with alcohol.

Monday 8:00pm ET Open Topic Discussion
Meeting ID: 302 697 405 / Password: 346548

Friday 8:30pm ET Daily Reflections Discussion
Meeting ID: 931 886 808 / Password: 099947

Dial in from Landline (enter Meeting ID's from the meeting you wish to join)
+1 647 374 4685 Canada (GTA)
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/acPBbIRN8v

Email Contact: cynthiaisloyal@gmail.com

Alaska Statewide Call in AA Meeting

We meet by telephone on Monday, Thursday, and Sunday nights at 5:30 pm Alaska time (9:30 pm Eastern Time). We are a newcomer discussion group. Simply call: 1-515-604-9546.  Wait for prompt. Access Code : 350333 

Sarah froginalaska@yahoo.com 
Tandy tandyak@gmail.com 

Alkies.org Group

"Alkies.Org" is an online group of Alcoholics Anonymous currently hosting open online chat meetings.
We adhere to the preamble and find our guidance in the traditions of AA.



Anyone Anywhere AA

We are a non-geographic, audio-only, AA group that meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 pm EST and Wednesdays at 8:30 pm EST. Our Tuesday/Thursday meeting is a story discussion and our Wednesday meeting is a literature reading discussion​. All meetings are audio conference calls that can be accessed by telephone or online using the Zoom app (please disable your video before joining). 
To join via Zoom, click on this link:

Meeting URL: https://zoom.us/j/9739556491

Or install the Zoom app and manually enter: Meeting ID: 973-955-6491

Or by t​elephone dial one of the numbers below and enter Meeting ID: 973-955-6491:
   +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
   +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
   +61 (0) 2 8015 2088 (Australia Toll)
   +1 647 558 0588 (Canada Toll)
   +52 554 161 4288 (Mexico Toll)
   +64 (0) 9 801 1188 (New Zealand Toll)
Other International Dial-in Numbers: https://zoom.us/zoomconference

IIf you have any questions about the meeting, please contact: anyoneanywhereAA@gmail.com


As atheists, we have experiences that are often disturbing to us, as when our opinions are criticized, when we ourselves are criticized, or when we simply get the cold shoulder.

But we often have very positive experiences and opinions to express, not only with each other via group email, but in our local District meetings, and we often convey those to the group.

Our purpose never has and never will be to criticize members who have a faith in God, God-as-they-understand-Him, or in any form of higher power.

We merely need a place to talk to each other sometimes, to bounce ideas of other members who understand our experiences, strengths, and hopes in A.A.



Back to Basics Beginners Meeting

This is a closed meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, for Alcoholics only. Using the Big Book and the Back to Basics Beginners Meeting Book, we share our experience, strength, and hope with each other to help others to recover from alcoholism.



Back to Basics Unity Group

We are an email group of men and women, an AA group that adheres to AA's 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, and 12 Concepts. The topic chair sends out a topic to all on Saturdays. Members respond during the following week. Discussion meetings on topics as they relate to alcoholism, Big Book passage discussion, and 12&12 passage discussion with a passage read on both Steps and Traditions that correspond to the month at hand.

Our purpose is to provide a supportive place for AA people to share on recovery. We adhere to The Third Tradition. Our group is limited to 40 members. Though sharing on the weekly topic is expected, or subjects that are within in that topic relating to alcoholism.

In adherence to the 7th tradition, we would suggest that the next time you are in a face-to-face meeting that you pitch in an extra couple of bucks for your online sobriety, or make an anonymous donation to OIAA to help defer the cost of their service to the fellowship of online alcoholics.

We look at principles, not personalities. Personal criticism or flaming of any kind is strictly prohibited. If you have decided you want what we have and are willing to share on a weekly basis, then give us a try.

To join or for more information, contact Mary O at the address below.



Beginners Meeting

New to A.A.? Never worked the 12 Steps of A.A.? Maybe you do not have a Higher Power and you do not want to search for one? Join us for the Beginners Meeting on Sunday nights at 7 p.m. (east coast time) to discuss the 12 Step method of A.A. We have six one-hour meetings that cover all the Steps:

Week 1: Powerlessness, Step 1
Week 2: Spirituality, Steps 2, 3
Week 3: Inventory, Steps 4, 5
Week 4: Change, Steps 6, 7
Week 5: Restitution, Steps 8, 9
Week 6: Maintenance, Steps 10, 11, 12

After week six, the six meetings are repeated. These are walk-in meetings. You don't have to sign up ahead of time and you don't have to attend all six meetings. You can attend one meeting, some of the meetings, or all of them.

The meetings use Skype conference technology (voice only, no video cameras).

We also have a Wednesday meeting where we discuss the text of the AA publication Living Sober

This Skype meeting is every Wednesday at 7 pm (east coast time).

 Special composition: serves beginners who are atheists or agnostics.

To attend: send an email to beginnersmeeting@gmail.comat least an hour before the meeting starts so that you can get access to the Skype virtual meeting room.

https://sites.google.com/ site/beginnermeeting/ or send an email to beginnersmeeting@gmail.com

Big Book Study Online

Daily Big Book discussion. Covering the basic text over the course of eight weeks, Monday through Friday, beginning at 8 a.m. Eastern. We return to the beginning of the book every two months.

To participate, visit our site.




This is a closed meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, for those who are blind or visually impaired, and have a desire to stop drinking.


Casual AA

Casual AA is a group dedicated to a flexible and inclusive approach to sobriety that welcomes people from all backgrounds.  We meet via Skype on Thursdays and Sundays at 8PM Eastern Time.  We have a free flowing format that draws from a variety of AA materials.  

Clicking this link or copying and pasting it into your browser will take you directly to our group account on Skype:   https://join.skype.com/invite/E63komi2IZEX  


Sunday 9:00am-10:30am PST

This is the regular meeting of the Cocoanuts Group of Alcoholics Anonymous in San Francisco. We hold a 90 minutes speaker/discussion each Sunday morning. Due to a countywide shelter-in-place order, we have moved online for the next couple of months and would love for our fellows outside of SF to join us.

Zoom Meeting ID: 171 330 035

Dial by your location
        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (DC)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Seattle)

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ad59mhuQYk

Web Site: https://zoom.us/j/171330035
Email Contact: cocoanutsgroup@gmail.com


This groups purpose is to reach out to fellows with accessibility needs, those who are home bound, those in remote areas, and anyone else who cannot make it to a face-to-face meeting for whatever reason.

We meet by phone 7 days a week at Midnight EST. We focus on AA literature to ensure that the message of recovery is carried.

We are an AA group with no outside interest and follow the 12 Traditions that are outlined in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.

To join the meeting dial:  712-451-0235
Passcode: 979634#

Our group contact: peter@coolasstuff.com

Cybriety (Women's) Groups

All of the Cybriety groups are closed groups of women in AA who share not only our common struggle to lead a sober life, but our experience, strength, and hope in the process. Although we meet online, we consider ourselves real AA groups and we follow the steps and traditions of AA.

We limit our membership to 40 in each group.

Please select one of the groups in this directory and contact it for more information.


Cybriety 1

Cybriety 1 is an online, email recovery group for women with a membership limited to 40 members. We share our experience, strength, and hope with each other through weekly topics and off topic discussions.

Contact the group at the address below.


Cybriety 2

A group of recovering alcoholic women belonging to Alcoholics Anonymous who's main purpose is to stay sober and help others achieve sobriety. We will adhere to all principles and traditions as directed by the OIAA commission and the General Office of AA, especially annonymity.


Cybriety 5

We are a closed women's AA group.  Members may read and respond to a weekly email topic.  Off-topic shares are also welcome as we share our experience, strength and hope with each other... helping us all to stay sober and to live life on life's terms.

Contact Kendra (kendraskronek@gmail.com) or Karen (karmo1971@gmail.com) to subscribe or for further information.

Cybriety 6

We are a closed women's AA group. Members may read or respond to a weekly topic, and off topic shares are also welcomed as we share our experience, strength and hope with each other.

Contact the Mail Rep to subscribe or for more information.


Cybriety 9

Contact Kathleen to subscribe or for more information.



DAD-L is a Daily Reflections meeting. Each day, all members of the group receive an email containing the Daily Reflection for that day, from the Daily Reflections book of readings published in 1990 by Alcoholics Anonymous. Members are encouraged (but not required) to share about the reading or anything else that's on their minds relating to alcoholism. We keep a list of members' yearly anniversaries, and present them with a 'cyberchip', appropriately numbered, on their AA birthdays.



Daily Reflections - AA

Topic: Thursday Daily Reflections 6:30pm PST
Time:  6:30 pm PST This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 754 671 263
Password: 053434

One tap mobile
+16699006833,,754671263# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,754671263# US (Houston)

Dial by your location
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 301 715 8592 US
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
        +1 253 215 8782 US
Meeting ID: 754 671 263

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abBklrVX2S

Deaf Recovery Group

Meeting Language: American Sign Language (video only)

Wednesday 8PM EST (7PM CST, 6PM MST, 5PM PST)

This is a real-time open discussion meeting in ASL using video conferencing software that requires a high-speed internet connection and webcam.  NO PASSWORD IS EVER NEEDED.
Mobile devices:

  1. Download app ZOOM from Windows, Apple, IOS 8-12, IPod Touch app store or Android from Google Play store
  2. The opened app shows:  "Meeting ID" and "Password"
  3. Type in the Meeting ID, which is  580368832.
  4.  (YOU WILL NEVER NEED A PASSWORD) If you want to give yourself a Screen Name, click on "Tap here to change your Screen Name."
  5. Then Tap "Join". (You will be connected.)

PC/Laptop devices:

  1. Go to https://www.sardiprogram.com/dodameetings/
  2. Look at the meeting schedule posted on the right side of the screen
  3. Click on the Wednesday 8:00 pm in the meeting schedule, described as "ASL signers, Deaf and hearing welcome"
  4. The conferencing program will download onto your computer. (It may take a few minutes.)

Questions?: meetingskype@hotmail.com
Web Site: https://www.sardiprogram.com/dodameetings/
Email: sobrietywithoutears@yahoo.com

Digitally Sober

A closed online meeting for alcoholics who have or are willing to try discord (free account needed) with both text and voice chat. Sub-channels include big book and 12 & 12, experience strength and hope, and coffee corner.

Meeting is on Mondays at 1:00pm cst. Room is open 24 hours a day for fellowship and topic discussion

How to join:

  1. Subscribe to  www.discordapp.com (simply click the link and join the service).
  2. Then send an e-mail to 12stepdiscord@gmail.com with the subject line "add digitally sober" to join the next meeting.

Email Contact: 12stepdiscord@gmail.com

e-AA Group

Meeting Description: The e-AA Group invites you to join us and share your experience, strength, and hope in a friendly environment.

We offer scheduled text chat meetings, ongoing email meetings, and discussion forums. Open-topic discussions, beginners meetings, book and traditions studies, women's meetings, step and other meetings via e-mail and real-time chat (held seven days a week), as well as 24/7 discussion forums. Newcomers and those interested in learning more about AA are especially welcome.



English Speakers in Italy

"As Bill Sees It" meeting via Skype (audio). Every Wednesday at 20:30 (Rome time) for English speakers in Italy, Europe and around the world. Send a request via Skype to "aaintergroupitaly" to be added.



Weekly email meeting with the meeting beginning on Wednesday. We are a group of women from all walks of life, sharing our experience, strength, and hope with each other, adhering to the steps and traditions of AA.



Experience, Strength & Hope

"ESH is a group of alcoholics who have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body who share throughout the week on a topic introduced each Sunday by a group volunteer.

Whether you're new to recovery, have been sober for decades, or anywhere in between - you are welcome to join us. One of the group's goals is to keep idle chat and cross talk to a minimum. Our collective experience, strength and hope is proof that this programme works."



Eye Opener

This is a full audio and video AA meeting, and takes place every day at 6:00 a.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7). You never have to create an account or give a name for yourself when you attend a meeting; just click the link and you're in. To accommodate growth, we now use Zoom.us, which provides better audio and video in larger meetings, but to facilitate daily maintenance of our spiritual condition in a small-group format, each Eye Opener meeting lasts just 30 minutes.
To attend, go to www.PortlandEyeOpener.org and click the image next to the words "we host a short web meeting every morning at 6:00. Click here to attend!" Then follow the instructions.

Far & Near

The AA Kansas District 23 online meeting. The Accessibility Committee for Kansas District 23 welcomes you!

Meeting times (All times are Central Standard/Daylight Time)

Sunday – 7:00 p.m. Central – Big Book Study
Monday – 7:00 a.m. Central – Big Book Study
Tuesday – Noon Central – Big Book Study
Wednesday – 7:00 a.m. Central – Twelve & Twelve
Friday – 6:00 p.m. Central – Big Book Study

Links to online versions of the literature will be provided, so don't worry if you don't have a book.

We use the Zoom Web Conferencing platform. You can access the meeting for FREE using a web browser, the Zoom mobile app or by traditional phone. It is easy to join with or without an account.

By computer/phone - Zoom meeting URL: https://zoom.us/j/114051909
By Telephone: 1-646-558-8665
If you are joining by phone, you will be prompted for our meeting -ID: 114-051-909.

For more details, please visit our website: http://aa-ksdist23.org/wp/meet/

Email Contact: access@aa-ksdist23.org


Our meetings are at the following times and platforms:


Meetings Mon-Fri on Skype at 20.00 (CET=GMT+2):

Times are Central European Time (CET, GMT+2 Summer; GMT+1 Winter)


Freedom from Alcohol

Meets Monday through Friday at 10:00am New York time.


Friends of Bill W.

Friends of Bill W. is a safe on line place for anyone who is concerned about his or her use of Alcohol. A place for recovering
alcoholics to find fellowship and support to stay sober. Anonymity provides protection for all
members from identification as alcoholics, a safeguard often of special importance to newcomers. Attendees are never asked to reveal
their RealLife name, only their SecondLife Avatar name. Friends of Bill W. has 7 meetings weekly within the online game Second Life.
All time Pacific Standard Time US
*Monday 11am
*Tuesday 6pm
*Wednesday 6am
*Thurs 11am
*Friday 6pm
*Saturday 10:30am (Step Study)
*Sunday 4pm
To attend the meetings in Second Life, you have to join the game, which is free (although you can upgrade to premium membership.)
The url for joining Second Life is http://secondlife.com/
Search Groups > Friends of Bill W.


Global Speakers Group

China-based, English-speaking, Audio only, WebEx Based Online AA Meetings.

Literature Discussion Meeting
Meeting Number:  623 311 878
Tuesday @ 9 PM China Time (GMT +8)
Tuesday Format: The speaker reads a selection from the Big Book and shares for 5-10 minutes.   This becomes the topic for discussion with individuals invited by the host to share briefly on the reading.

Global Speakers Meeting
Meeting Number:  622 750 456
Sunday @ 7:30 PM China Time (GMT +8)
Sunday Format:  A speaker meeting with the speaker sharing for 20-25 minutes and picking a topic for discussion.  Individuals are invited by the host to share briefly on the topic so as many members as possible receive an opportunity to share. 


  • Meetings are held on the Cisco WebEx Platform.   Info on the Cisco WebEx platform can be found at https://www.webex.com.
  • WebEx is free to download and use requiring only your name and the meeting number.
  • Web page with step-by-step directions for connecting is here:  http://globalspeakersgroup.sxl.cn

Not in China?

What time is the meeting where you are located?  http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com


  • China-based, English-speaking, audio only
  • GSG meetings begin with the host inviting each participant to introduce themselves by stating their name and location.  AA members anywhere on the globe are invited to join us. 
  • GSG believes strongly in sponsorship.  An opportunity is given at every meeting for individuals available to sponsor to identify themselves when invited to do so by the host
  • Participants are asked to mute their microphone unless sharing to maximize audio quality.
  • Quarterly business meetings are usually held directly after the meeting on the last Sunday of the month

Web Site: http://globalspeakersgroup.sxl.cn/
Email: globalspeakersgroup@yahoo.com


Goodlands Group of Alcoholics Anonymous — Longstanding LGBT AA group in the Castro in San Francisco - open to all — 2 PM Pacific Time Sunday (5 PM Eastern) Speaker/discussion


Dial by your location
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
        +1 253 215 8782 US
        +1 301 715 8592 US

Meeting ID: 309 413 086

Web Site: https://zoom.us/j/309413086 

Grateful Dead Email AA Group

Grateful Dead Email AA Group is an online group of people from all over the world â€" always newbies and lots of long timers, too. New topics are posted regularly. Rigidity is not our cup of tea. We care a lot about life and each other. God's not through with us yet.




The Grateful Recovering Online Women (GROW) Group of Alcoholics Anonymous holds email meetings for alcoholic women and women who wish to learn how A.A. might help them stop drinking. GROW adheres to the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions found in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. We come from all walks of life, and we have traveled many different paths to get to A.A. What we have found here is a daily reprieve from our drinking that has transformed our lives.



Grupo Recuperar de A.A. Online

All meetings follow the principles contained in the Three Legacies and basically the standard procedure opening and closing with Terms and Serenity Prayer. Speakers take turns on request. Group opened Opened on September 09, 2009, holds daily meetings during weekdays from 14 to 16 hours and on Fridays an additional one from 20 to 22 hours local time. On Saturdays and Sundays the meetings are from 21:30 to 23:30.



Happy Destiny

Meeting Description:
The 'Happy Destiny' group will be more casual than most phone meetings. Laughter and Welcome's are encouraged and shared. This meeting is held Mons, Weds & Saturdays@3PM EST. This is as close to a face to face meeting as possible. The 1st Mon & Wed of the Month are step of the month meetings. On each day, we read half the steps and then open for shares.
If there are 5 weeks in the month we'll have a speakers meeting the last Mon of the month. All other meetings are topic & discussion meetings.
We also have a quarterly business meeting. Those will be in August, December and April, on the last Wednesday of that month.

Web Site, if any: freeconferencecall.com/wall/423678903
Public Email Contact, if any: lorrimatt@hotmail.com

Phone number to dial in is 712-775-7031
access code-112043#

Happy Destiny



Happy Destiny

We meet Mondays and Wednesdays at 3pm eastern time. This is a casual meeting where Laughter Hi and welcomes are encouraged and shared. the 1st Monday & Wednesday of the month are step of the month meeting all the other Mondays & Wednesdays are topic meetings if there are 5 weeks in the month we have a speaker the last Monday of the Month.



Happy, Joyous and Free Group

Email AA Group for alcoholics using a weekly discussion format.


Hope at Home

Meeting Description: Hope at Home AA telephone meeting is designed to reach out to AA members that can't easily attend a face-to-face meeting but still need a meeting. The meeting is held every Monday at 8:00 pm Central time. The call-in number is (712) 770-4010, access code 688-992. All are welcome to attend.


Indigenous Sobriety

Our Spirit: Sober~Strong. This group has been set up to enable Indigenous/Aboriginal people who are sober from alcohol and other drugs to make contact and support each other. Our sober friends are welcome to join us too!

"Is it our right to drink or our responsibility to get sober? ... We already knew we each had rights as humans, to eat, to have love, and to have water but what was more important was our responsibility to help each other to survive, to look after ourselves with dignity, to look after our Elders, our dreaming sites and lands. How can we look after our land if we are drunk?"

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. So if you are interested, join up and lets start talking!



Into Action Group


Closed AA Meeting
Meets Tuesday and Friday nights at 8pm CST
Meeting Room Opens 30 minutes before and closes 30 minutes after.

Tuesday night is a discussion meeting with a 15 minute lead with discussion to follow. Friday night is a speaker with a 30 minute Q&A to follow for any who identifies as an alcoholic to ask a question

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 901 336 4499


Dial by your location
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 901 336 4499

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aeCECBqM9n

JCMC Group

JCMC is an AA email fellowship, dedicated to sharing on weekly topics about recovery in Alcoholics Anonymous. Each group holds up to 30 members. We keep the group at an intimate number so that we may get to know each other on a personal level. We share our experience, strength, and hope with each other that we may solve our common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. All who claim the Third Tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous may join.

To join or to get more information, write to the email address below.



Journey for Soberity

Journey for Sobriety is a closed group of alcoholics that share their ESH with other alcoholics around the world. We ask that you admit that your an alcoholic to join our group. We believe in the 12 Step program.



Kerman AA Skype meeting - گروه آنلاین اسکایپ AA کرمان

The Kerman AA online meeting is held every day in Iran from 5 PM to 6 PM (dates and times may change in the future). Every men and women and all genders and races can participate from all around the world provided that they speak Persian ( Farsi ).they must first join the following WhatsApp group to get the Skype link: Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/KEtLTf7z1QV5t5FPEzBarG

دوستان با عضو شدن در گروه واتساپ لینک فوق می توانند لینک اسکایپ را ۱۵ دقیقه قبل از شروع جلسه دریافت کنند.

KISS Group

Keep It Simple Sisters (KISS) is a closed women's AA meeting. For sharing by email we have a Sunday general topic and a Wednesday literature topic,  plus a monthly Step/Tradition discussion. We welcome all women who adhere to AA s Third Tradition: The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking."

With tons of experience, strength, and hope, the warm and sincere recovering women from all around the globe, KISS offers many years of wonderful sobriety.


Ladies AA Meeting

We are a group of ladies from around the world who have been meeting online since July 2011 on paltalk.

The decision was taken to move our meeting to Skype once a week on a Tuesday at 10pm UK time.

To attend the meeting please send a friend request to Ladies AA Meeting on skype and then wait to be called into the meeting.

email contact for further enquiries is ladies_aa_meeting@btinternet.com



Lamplighters Group

Closed general discussion meeting of A.A. with meeting conducted by email going on 24 hours a day seven days a week. Global membership with members in over 22 countries and at both poles.



LGBTQ Friendly Open Discussion

Meeting Description: We are a LGBTQ friendly group of Alcoholics Anonymous with Daily Open Discussion Meeting's, topic's to be determined. This chat room is for sharing our experience, strength and hope with each other that we may solve our common problem and help others recover from alcoholism. Our primary purpose is to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principals before personalities. The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop drinking. Please join us!

Chat Room Open Mon-Sun 8pm-9pm EST. the link to join the chat meeting is: http://www.chatzy.com/15047033862792



London Primary Purpose AA Group

Our group uses the "clear cut directions" from the Big Book of AA as its central theme. As part of our primary purpose, we believe the still suffering alcoholic is the most important person in the chat room, so please help us keep that focus when someone reaches out for help. Using the basic text of AA, we are certain we can achieve the same recovery results as the first one hundred did. If you have not taken the steps in this manner, you are welcome to stay and learn how to be "rocketed into the fourth dimension" like many of us here.

Sun- 8pm (EST - N. American Time Zone) - Beginners Meeting

Mon- 8pm (EST - N. American Time Zone) - Beginners Meeting

Wed- 8pm (EST - N. American Time Zone) - Big Book Study

Fri- 8.30pm (GMT - UK Time Zone; 3.30pm EST - N. American Time Zone) Big Book Study



Love & Service Group

The Love & Service Group of AA is a speaker meeting that meets every Sunday at 6:00PM PST (8:00PM CST/9:00PM EST).

This is an open speaker meeting where one selected member of Alcoholics Anonymous will share their experience, strength, and hope for about 50 minutes. Additionally, every quarter we dedicate one night to members of our home group celebrating an AA birthday; 3 speakers are selected to share their experience, strength, and hope. Occasionally we have a speaker panel where several speakers take turns sharing on an AA topic.

Recommended - join from PC, Mac, iOS, or Android: https://zoom.us/j/2764059991

Dial: +1 (408)638-0968 or +1 (646)558-8656 (US Toll – free in most cases) 
Meeting ID: 276 405 9991 

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference

7th Tradition contributions accepted through Venmo: @loveandservice

Manic Monday

12:00PM Paris time : Every Monday
Paris, France
We set the time to allow for participation from people in Asia & (very) early risers in North America
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +16468769923,,515671255# or +16699006833,,515671255#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 515 67 1255
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/cZu4cGsYH

Web Site: https://secularaa.org/on-line-meetings/

Email: website@secularaa.net

Meeting of the Minds Group

Meeting of the Minds Group (MOMS) is a closed email meeting with one of the 12 Steps being a topic every other week; chairperson's choice in the alternating weeks. Meeting begins on Sunday with the opening post by the monthly topic chairperson.



Men's Online Serenity Group

Meeting Tuesday Evenings at 7pm Pacific / 9pm Central. This is an closed, on-line, men's, discussion meeting.  We pick a reading and topic from the Big Book or the 12 & 12 each week and discuss as a group.  We use a video/audio conference service called Zoom.  It is super easy to use on nearly any device.  Just click on the link below and it will set up nearly automatically after a quick installation.  Audio-only participants can use the phone numbers below as well.  We recommend connecting a bit early if it is your first time to work out any kinks.  If you are having any technical trouble, do not hesitate to email us and we can help you set it up. Hope to see you there.  

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/506780518

Or Telephone US: +1 669 900 6833  or +1 408 638 0968 
or +1 646 876 9923 



Missoula Oasis

Alcoholics Anonymous meeting originating in Missoula, Mt. Welcome to all alcoholics wanting to join from around the globe.

Missoula Oasis invite

Topic: Missoula Oasis Meeting
Time: Fri/Sat 7:30pm- 8:30pm MST

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 198 816 143

One tap mobile
+16699009128,,198816143# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,198816143# US (Houston)

Dial by your location
        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 301 715 8592 US
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
        +1 253 215 8782 US
Meeting ID: 198 816 143

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aohOCaLgK

Email Contact: missoulaaaonline@gmail.com

Missoula Persists

Alcoholics Anonymous meeting originating in Missoula, Mt. Welcome to all alcoholics wanting to join from around the globe.

Topic: Missoula Persists Meeting
Time: Tues/Thur/Sun 5:30-6:30 pm MST

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 870 214 912

One tap mobile
+13462487799,,870214912# US (Houston)
+16699009128,,870214912# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US
        +1 301 715 8592 US
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 870 214 912

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aohOCaLgK

Email Contact: missoulaaaonline@gmail.com


The Modem2Modem group is an online Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.

Our group's format is a topic/discussion meeting, with a topic chosen from the first 164 pages of the big book or the Drs Opinion followed by shares of our personal experience with the provided topic.

We currently meet once a week on Saturdays at 8PM MST

Join via Computer/Smartphone by clicking:    https://zoom.us/j/398445168

Call in with one click on iPhone: +16699009128,,398445168# US

Dial in on any phone: 1 (669) 900-9128 enter meeting ID: 398 445 168

Local/international call in numbers are listed here: https://zoom.us/u/ably973zae

Our groups email address is modem2modemAA@gmail.com

"Modem-to-modem or face-to-face, A.A.'s speak the language of the heart in all its power and simplicity."  p. xxiv

Email Contact: Modem2ModemAA@gmail.com

Monday ASL Now Mixed Men and Women AA Group

Monday 8PM EST, 7CST 6 MST, 5 PST

ZOOM Meeting code: 525940332 you need this when logging in (with mobile device) to existing meeting no password needed
Meeting Language: ASL

This is a real-time closed discussion meeting. Meeting uses Zoom video conferencing software (easily downloaded) that requires a high speed internet connection and a webcam. Our communication mode is ASL only (no audio). "Windows, Apple, IOS 8-12, IPod touch and Android phone" app store or Google play "ZOOM" free app

Questions? meetingskype@hotmail.com

My Last Drunk

A place for users to share their "last drunk" story and comment on others'. What was your last drunk?



Mysterious Ways

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
7:30-8:30 PM Eastern USA

AA Topic discussion

Zoom id 4032382706

LIMIT 100 participants

Web Site: https://zoom.us/j/4032382706

Email Contact: eric.samsung.email@gmail.com

NAIGSO-AA Family Circles

The NAIGSO-AA Family Circles Group has been set up to enable Native Americans and our friends to make contact and support each other. We welcome all Nations, as well as all people. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.




1. We cover a different topic each week submitted by our Topic Chair for that particular month. Each member is free to provide their share once the topic is given.
2. We share "Off Topic" anything impacting our lives. It evolves as an email chat with whomever participates.



Never Alone Email

Never Alone Email is an international online group of Alcoholics Anonymous particularly designed for members who do not have regular access to face to face meetings. However, as our 3rd Tradition states that the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking, all alcoholics are welcome to attend.

We are a Topic Discussion with Steps and Traditions group. Each Wednesday and Sunday one of our members posts a general topic for discussion. Steps and Traditions topics for the corresponding month are posted on the 1st and 15th of each month.

To subscribe to our email list or for further information, send an email message to: elsebeths@bellsouth.net or brendan.mccall.norway@gmail.com



New Beginnings E-Mail Sobriety Groups

Closed email groups of men and women, limited to 40 members per group. We feel that the 40-member cap allows the group to get to know each other in a more personal way. We celebrate birthdays, laughs, and the ups and downs of sober living. There is a weekly topic for discussion, chosen by the month's chairperson. Each group has its own officers and representative with the Online Intergroup of Alcoholic Anonymous. Roll calls are done periodically to verify membership with the group and touch base with those who have been quiet for a while. We consider New Beginnings to be more than just a meeting - we are a family.

For information or to join, contact Susan C. or Jim L at the address below.


The New Reality

Not everyone is comfortable attending in person meetings right now - this is an alternative forum to enable you to share your experience, strength and hope with other alcoholics from home. This meeting was started for those in the Northeast Ohio area, but are open to anyone with a desire to stop drinking. Each week the chairperson of the meeting will choose a topic (or a reading), and will give participants the opportunity to share with the group.

We meet Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights at  8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. 
Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 665 589 224

One tap mobile
+13126266799,,665589224# US (Chicago)
+16468769923,,665589224# US (New York)

Dial by your location
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US
Meeting ID: 665 589 224

The meeting is audio and video enabled, but enabling your video is optional.

Web Site: http://sites.google.com/view/thenewrealityaa
Email Contact: thenewrealityaa@gmail.com

NoNameYet Online A.A.

Text Chat for all browsers and devices
Discreet Sign-In options available
No personal avatars ever displayed
Attendance Verification available (Email)

Weekly Closed Chat (Members Only)
Mon 07:00 PM CST -and- Wed 08:00 PM CST

Weekly Open Chat (Visitors and Guests)
Mon 07:00 PM CST -and- Wed 08:00 PM CST

24/7/365 'World A.A. Chat' (Moderators Needed)

Group Website: https://nonameyet.org/
Group Contact: nonameyet.members@gmail.com

Not Quite Right (NQR)

NQR an AA group that shares ESH in a safe nonjudgemental piece of cyberspace. Our motto is "We have nothing to prove, but a whole lot to share." There are approximately 80 members -- many are newcomers _- all time zones (globally) are covered.



Old Farts AA Thread Meeting

We are a group that knows that AA works with Alcoholics to get and stay sober. We are folks that need the companionship of others in recovery.
We want to be a fellowship that truly can laugh and cry with you. We also have topics and really laid-back AA meetings where we can also chew the fat and still be happy joyous and free.



One Day at a Time

We meet by telephone every day at 1pm EST. Join us by calling:

(712) 775-7031 access code 198520#

Mon - Traditions
Tues - Daily Reflections
Wed - Steps
Thurs- Stories in the Big Book
Fri - Big Book
Sat - Speaker/Discussion
Sun - Living Sober

Long distance charges may apply depending on your plan.


One Day at a Time AA Group

Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, discussing
a chosen topic




An online AA email group that shares its experience, strength, and hope with each other so that we may achieve sobriety one day at a time.



Pathway to Recovery

A new topic is posted at the beginning of the week, and people share their thoughts on the topic. Only 30 members will be allowed in the group.



People of Color

People of Color is a closed regular meeting of AA formed to allow its members to share their experience, strength and hope as a person of color. As with all AA groups we welcome all AAs and newcomers to our Fellowship

Sat. 1-2PM EST

Email Contact: peopleofcolor2681@att.net

Phoning It In

We meet Mondays at 7 pm eastern
- Big book
- Closed
- 1 hour meeting

Phone number: 224-501-3412
Access Code: 480-876-213

After you call the phone number you'll be asked to enter the access code.

We read from the Big Book and make comments on the reading for the day.

This meeting was created in response to the need for remote meetings in Akron because of the coronavirus situation.

Email Contact: acwb77@gmail.com

Positive Transitions AA Group

12 Step,12 tradition, Big Book, and fellowship meetings are held each week in discussion format. Everyone is welcome. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. AA links, AA daily readings, and more. There are no dues or fees, everything is free.

Primary Purpose Group of Alcoholics Anonymous

Primary Purpose Group of Alcoholics Anonymous -Saturday Morning Conference Call -

8am MST/9am CST — Line by Line Big Book Study using — Dallas Primary Purpose Study Guide

Call-in number: 720-740-9462

We have elected to use the Big Book Study Guide prepared by members of the Primary Purpose Group of Dallas, to help us stay focused on the study of the Big Book. There are one or more questions for virtually every sentence in the Basic Text. This is not a discussion meeting so please keep your comments to the question being studied.


Radical Maintenance

The Radical Maintenance group is a telephone step meeting focused on steps 10, 11 and 12. We are a closed meeting so our only requirement to attend is a desire to stop drinking. Our main focus is to stay in the solution and maintain emotional sobriety. 

We meet Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 9:30am EST. 

Telephone number 605-475-4821. Pin 757034


Rainbow Serenity

Rainbow Serenity is a closed online group of Alcoholics Anonymous for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered members. We celebrate the laughs, and ups and downs of sober living, and foster personal recovery through online fellowship. There is a weekly topic for discussion, however members may share what ever is on their minds and in their hearts. We consider Rainbow Serenity to be more than just a meeting - we are a family



Rebellion Dogs

Rebellion Dogs is a closed online men's meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. Attendance is limited to members who identify as men with a desire to stop drinking.

All times are in US Eastern Standard Time

Seven days a week: 12:00pm to 1:00pm
             Join URL: https://zoom.us/j/5263668039

Meeting ID: 526-366-8039

Web Site: https://rebelliondogs7.wixsite.com/website
Email Contact: rebelliondogs7@gmail.com

Recovered Alcoholics

This is a closed meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. Each week we have a new topic to discuss. Decorum on this list is important, as we want this to be a safe list for everyone that joins.
Please be respectful of others in this email meeting.

To join this email site, we need your first name, first initial of your last name, city and state, or country, date of sobriety, and affirmation of the Third Tradition: "The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking." You must affirm the Third Tradition to join this meeting.



Recovery Journey

Recovery Journey�s Sober Life is a safe on line place for anyone who is concerned about his or her use of Alcohol; a place for recovering
alcoholics to find fellowship and support to stay sober. Anonymity provides protection for all members from identification as alcoholics, a safeguard often of special importance to newcomers. Attendees are never asked to reveal their Real Life name, only their Second Life Avatar name. The Recovery Journey� Sober Life group has three meetings weekly within the online game.
Location of meetings in Second Life is http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Morels/49/27/76
To attend the meetings in Second Life, you have to join the game, which is free (although you can upgrade to premium membership.)
The URL for joining Second Life is http://secondlife.com/
The current meeting schedule is as follows on Pacific Time:
*Sunday 7pm Open Meeting
*Monday 7PM Open Meeting
*Thursday 7PM Open Meeting
In-Game contact: Knightbar Jewell (search under people and IM me.)



Recovery-World Alcoholics Anonymous

An open email meeting.



Rule 62 Coffee Community

We have a "coffee & community group" for fun and fellowship, which is open to any AA member to join. We will also have topic discussion out of the Big Book and more. This meeting is for AA members only, and is a closed meeting in order to protect member's anonymity on the Internet. If you would like to join or just get information, please drop us a line at:



Rule 62 Telephone Meeting

Rule 62 Telephone Meeting "Rule 62" is a Big Book study that takes place Monday through Friday from 6pm-7pm EST / 3pm-4pm Pacific.

Saturday & Sunday we have a Came to Believe Book Study beginning at 6pm EST.

We are an open meeting and adhere to the 12 traditions as well as AA's primary purpose. Our hope is to study the text and get a better understanding of the book that contains AA's steps and way of life. We also like to enjoy ourselves while we do this and, if we're blessed, make a friend or two! : ) For questions, please contact rule62aagroup@gmail.com
*The phone call is a regular long distance charge.*Number: 712-432-3900 *Access Code: 494179#



Secular AA

Sober She Devils Sunday Meeting

"Women Only – Closed Meeting"
Time: 7:00am Pacific US Standard Time (10:00am Eastern)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 657 402 688
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,657402688# US (New York)
+16699006833,,657402688# US (San Jose)

Secular Sunday

"Open Discussion"
Time: 1:00pm Eastern US Standard Time

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 440 200 241
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,440200241# US (New York)
+16699006833,,440200241# US (San Jose)

Sober She Devils Monday Meeting

"Women Only – Closed Meeting"
Time: 9:00pm Eastern US Standard Time

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 306 156 306
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,306156306# US (New York)
+16699006833,,306156306# US (San Jose)


Vivre et Laisser Vivre

"French / English Bilingual Meeting"
Time: 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 497 838 842
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,497838842# US (New York)
+16699006833,,497838842# US (San Jose)


Esprit Ouvert

"Francophile Meeting"
Time: 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 643 800 313
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,643800313# US (New York)
+16699006833,,643800313# US (San Jose)


Secular on Thursday

"Open Discussion"
Time: 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 956 892 388
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,956892388# US (New York)
+16699006833,,956892388# US (San Jose)

Fearless Friday

"Topic – Open Discussion"
Time: 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 142 363 119
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,142363119# US (New York)
+16699006833,,142363119# US (San Jose)

Secular Saturday

"Open Discussion"
Time: 1:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 104 435 882
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,104435882# US (New York)

+16699006833,,104435882# US (San Jose)

Sisters in Sobriety (SIS)

SIS is a women's AA meeting with a weekly topic. First greeting contains general information about the group.

Contact SIS at the address below to subscribe or for further information.



Sleepers AAwake

Open telephone discussion meeting from 7:30 AM until 8:30 AM ET on Saturdays.

(Not an early riser, then try our sister meeting, "Zoom into Sobriety" on Friday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30 PM Eastern time; same link and phone numbers.)

Join us from anywhere in the world. Need a time zone converter, try https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

We have tried to ensure that our meetings cater especially, but not exclusively, to the needs of blind AAs.

Audio via (Zoom) via Mac, Windows, Android, IOS, or dial in by phone.

Zoom is versatile and "screen-reader friendly.". Sleepers AAwake is audio-only, no video or text chat.

One tap mobile +16465588656,194505194# or dial +17207072699,,194505194#

Web Site: https://zoom.us/j/194505194
Email: jlblists@gmail.com

Sober Stogies (Tuesday, Open)

Description: Sober Stogies is an open, rather unconventional online discussion meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. We meet weekly on Tuesday at 9:00pm Eastern Time using the Zoom video platform.

What makes us unconventional is our unanimous love for sobriety, spiritual progress and living in our common solution — all while smoking fine cigars! If you're not a cigar lover, we hope you'll grab a seat in the non-smoking section and join us anyway. We of Sober Stogies are ALWAYS eager to share our experience, strength and hope with smokers and non-smokers alike!

Join Zoom Meeting


Email Contact: soberstogies@gmail.com

Sober Stogies (Wednesday, Open)

Sober Stogies is a closed, rather unconventional online discussion meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. We meet weekly on Wednesday at 11:00pm Eastern Time using the Zoom video platform.

What makes us unconventional is our unanimous love for sobriety, spiritual progress and living in our common solution — all while smoking fine cigars! If you're not a cigar lover, we hope you'll grab a seat in the non-smoking section and join us anyway. We of Sober Stogies are ALWAYS eager to share our experience, strength and hope with smokers and non-smokers alike!

Join Zoom Meeting


Email Contact: soberstogies@gmail.com

Sober Stogies (Thursday, Open)

Sober Stogies is an open, rather unconventional online discussion meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. We meet weekly on Thursdays at 9:00pm Eastern Time using the Zoom video platform.

What makes us unconventional is our unanimous love for sobriety, spiritual progress and living in our common solution — all while smoking fine cigars! If you're not a cigar lover, we hope you'll grab a seat in the non-smoking section and join us anyway. We of Sober Stogies are ALWAYS eager to share our experience, strength and hope with smokers and non-smokers alike!

Join Zoom Meeting


Email Contact: soberstogies@gmail.com

Sober Stogies (Sunday, Closed)

Sober Stogies is a closed, rather unconventional online discussion meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. We meet weekly on Sundays at Noon Eastern Time using the Zoom video platform.

What makes us unconventional is our unanimous love for sobriety, spiritual progress and living in our common solution — all while smoking fine cigars! If you're not a cigar lover, we hope you'll grab a seat in the non-smoking section and join us anyway. We of Sober Stogies are ALWAYS eager to share our experience, strength and hope with smokers and non-smokers alike!

Join Zoom Meeting


Email Contact: soberstogies@gmail.com

Sober Voices Group

Call 712-432-0075, pass code 654443#
Sun - BB Study, 10pm EST
Mon - Beginners, 10pm EST
Tue - Vision for You, 10pm EST
Wed - BB Study, 10pm EST
Thu - 12x12, 10pm EST
Fri - Promises/Topic, 10pm/Midnight
Sat - Daily Rflctns/Topic,10pm/Midnight
Everyday - Topic Discussion, 12 Noon EST

Sober Voices does not accept anonymous callers, use *82 to display your phone number.


Sober Women United

We are a fellowship of women who meet Monday and Friday at 10:00 am EST.  Our format includes 10 minutes of meditation followed by discussion of readings from AA approved literature, Twenty Four Hours a Day, topic and burning desire.  Call (605)313-5974, Access Code 569562#.

Email Contact: soberwomenunited@gmail.com

Sobriety Online

Welcome to the Sobriety Online meeting of AA. We will be running every Saturday from 4 pm to 5 pm EST. The meeting will be a closed topic discussion meeting. Everyone will get the chance to suggest a topic and then share their thoughts on any of the topics or whatever else they feel like sharing that has to do with drinking.

We are based in Ontario, Canada and will have our meetings in English.

Web Site: https://zoom.us/j/598103267   

Email Contact: sobrietyonline.barrieonca@gmail.com

Sounds of Sobriety (SOS)

The Sounds of Sobriety online email group was formed to help us who have a hearing loss (deaf, deafened, or hard of hearing) to find a place to recover from alcoholism. For many of us, face-to-face AA meetings no longer work. All members of AA, or those who think they may have a problem with alcohol, are welcome.


Southern Cross AA Group

We are an audio group holding regular meetings daily. We practice the 12 Twelve Traditions in our group.

8pm daily EST (Sydney, Australia, time zone)

To access our group:

1. Download a small program from "Paltalk" then register a nick name.

2. Click on the "groups" tab and go through the list until you come to the "Health Related and Body" lobby.

3. Enter and select the Southern Cross AA Meeting Group Group.


Spark of Hope

Spark of Hope is a closed international online meeting using the Zoom application to host speakers from all around the world. We meet at 10PM EST. Our speaker shares for 15 to 20 minutes on their experience, strength and hope with that topic. 

Zoom meeting # is 641-164-1641
Password is 164

Go to Zoom.us and type in the info above 


Call in by dialing+16699006833 or +14087403766 and punch in the info above.

Email Contact: sparkofhope164@gmail.com


Speakeasy is an NYC based open young people's meeting. We are currently operating online due to the quarantine COVID-19 requires. We are a speaker meeting, 15-20 minute speaker, then an open share.

We meet every Wednesday at 7PM EST

Web Site, if any: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/711609691

Meeting #: 711 609 691
Spirit of the North

Every Sunday and Wednesday @ 7:00pm MT
Every Monday — Big Book Study 7:00-9:00 MT

To join the Spirit of the North meeting, you will need a computer, tablet or smartphone and internet connection/WiFi.

To join the meeting, Click on: https://zoom.us/j/8864590234
You can connect with video or use only audio if prefer.
Call toll free 833-302-1536

Web Site: zoom meeting on zoom.us with PMI #: 886 459 0234
Email Contact: remote.68@area78.org

Spiritual Crosswalk Group

Having issues making it to a physical meeting? Join us every Tuesday at 8:30pm CST! We are an online group where people can join via Zoom or by telephone. We will have a 10-15 minute topic on the step of the month and then have open discussion. Spiritual Cross Walk Group is a young peoples meeting but there is no age requirement. All concerned with a drinking problem may join!

The Spiritual Crosswalk Group was started by the Austin Bid For ICYPAA to provide a meeting for people in need who can not physically make a meeting or lack access to meetings.

Questions? Email us! spiritualcrosswalkgroup@gmail.com

How to Join:
Join us on Zoom or dial in by phone

Topic: Spiritual Crosswalk Online Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting on Tuesdays at 8:30PM CST

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 886 269 3034

One tap mobile
+16699006833,,8862693034# US (San Jose)
+19292056099,,8862693034# US (New York)

Dial by your location
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 886 269 3034
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adXcbEgAgW 

Email Contact:  spiritualcrosswalkgroup@gmail.com 

Staying Cyber

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. The Staying Cyber Group holds weekly AA meetings on the Web. The meetings use a guest book discussion format. Each topic runs for a full week so that you may read or contribute at your convenience. The Guidelines page will explain how to participate.

The site is accessible with any web browser.



Step Chat

There are 19 A.A. meetings a week scheduled at Step Chat, and an open chat room is available 24/7. Confirmation of meeting attendance is also available.

For your protection, our chat rooms require registration and a password, but you can use an alias to register.




TG-AA is a group of transgender and gender diverse alcoholics.  We use an email forum with a weekly topic as well as having Zoom meetings 4 days a week for transgender and gender diverse alcoholics.

Zoom meetings are as follows (All Eastern Standard Time):

  • 9:00 pm Thursday, topic discussion
  • 6:00 pm Saturday, Big Book study
  • 8:00 pm Sunday, speaker
  • 7:00 pm, Monday,  literature study

We share our experience, strength and hope with each other that we may solve our common problem and help others recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.

To join us please contact us at:     



Phone numbers 7127757031 code 861676259# listen to Grapevine story's any time call 7127757029# code 861676259# reference number 1- 100

7208201519 no code just meeting 3pm eastern time Grapevine story's meeting 


Visit our Site


The First 164

The First 164

We meet by phone Mondays, noon EST. To participate, dial 605-313-5109; when asked for an access code, dial 259095#. Your carrier may charge you for the call.

We study the 1st 164 pages of A.A.'s Big Book, which is Alcoholics Anonymous's basic text. Those 164 pages discuss the nature of alcoholism, explain A.A.'s program of recovery, and give instructions for using the program. The meeting is open: everyone welcome! If you are a person with disabilities who needs an interpreter, video relay, or other adaptive technology to share, we welcome that.

Contact: lily.joy@mail.com

The Fourth Dimension Group

We gather together for sobriety using our telephones on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday at 3pm eastern.

Dial: (712)770-5600
Participant passcode 405008#

Our book is meant to be suggestive only. We realize we know only a little. God will constantly disclose more to you and to us. Ask Him in your morning meditation what you can do each day for the man who is still sick. The answers will come, if your own house is in order. But obviously you cannot transmit something you haven't got. See to it that your relationship with Him is right, and great events will come to pass for you and countless others. This is the Great Fact for us.

-- Reprinted from the book Alcoholics Anonymous Fourth Edition �2001, page 164 with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.


This is a literature, slogan and gratitude telephone meeting. Participants read AA literature, AA slogans or gratitude and then share.

To join: The meeting is held at 6:00 pm EST Monday through Sunday.

The telephone number is 712-451-0675 and the Access number is 522178#


Tuesday Noon

Tuesday Noon 12-Step Conference Call Try out a Telephone A.A. Meeting!

Time: Tuesday, November 5, 2019 @ 12 Noon to 1 PM EST Call in #: 605-313-5111 (free call) Access code: 513710#

Email Contact: triocious@gmail.com

We Are Not Saints

We Are Not Saints YPAA (hosted at Hunterdon County Recovery Center) is hosting both of our two meetings online via Zoom. Come join us and get your spiritual groove on!:

Wednesday 8:00pm-9:00pm EST, Big Book
Saturday  8:00pm-9:00p EST, Speaker Discussion

Join URL: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/713752954

Meeting ID: 713 752 954

Feel free to send a Facebook message to Hunterdon County Recovery Center's page with any questions, as several homegroup members have admin access to the page!

Web Site: 
Wednesday Big Book Study

This is an AA Big Book Study that meets by SKYPE every Wednesday at 2pm EST-US / 8pm CET-EU.  We adhere strictly to the AA 12 Traditions.

The purpose of this meeting is to learn from the Big Book how to improve how we each work the 12 Steps.  It is open to all AA who (per 3rd Tradition) have a desire not to drink.  AA friends and family are also welcome.

We use a question/answer/comment format that takes us through the Big Book paragraph by paragraph looking for the authors' "clear cut directions" in each paragraph.    The purpose of the questions is to focus attention on each sentence, or sometimes each word in a sentence.    The answer to a question is just to read the next sentence out of the Book or parts of a sentence in some cases.

We pause for comments after each paragraph.  During our comments we try to stay focused on finding the principles and guides to progress we see in the paragraph or may directly relate to the paragraph from other parts of the book. 

To join: login to Skype; send a Skype message to   wednesday1.host (or send email to wednesday1host@gmail.com). Request to be added to the Wednesday call list. The meeting host will call you on Skype approximately 5 to 15 minutes before 8pmCET / 2pmEST-US each Wednesday.  No need to make a new request each week; membership is ongoing unless you request to be removed from the list.

Email Contact: wednesday1host@gmail.com

Wednesday Text Chat


ZOOM Video text chat meeting for Deaf/ hard of hearing.
Down load Zoom's free app at google play or app store and join us at https://zoom.us/j/601628562

If you have a problem with alcohol we can help. We meet on the internet and in San Francisco, Ca. Meeting link : https://zoom.us/j/601628562
or click on our meeting at this site: https://www.sardiprogram.com/dodameetings/ 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Women in the Solution (WITS)

WITS is a closed online women's group of Alcoholics Anonymous. Our email meeting has two topics a week. In keeping with AA's singleness of purpose, we confine our discussions to recovery from alcoholism. One topic is taken from material written and approved as AA literature; the second topic is a "General Topic Discussion." All AA-related off topic shares are also welcome. The topics run concurrently, 24/7. Our group adheres to the 12 Steps and the 12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. For all other discussion not directly related to AA, we maintain a separate list (WITS-Coffee Talk) for posting of topics of a more general nature, i.e., other 12-step programs, meditations, general announcements, etc. We also have real-time chat meetings to address issues related to recovery from alcoholism.

To join, please email:


Women's Sober Living

This is a literature, slogan, and gratitude telephone meeting. Participants read AA literature or share AA slogans or gratitude lists and then share.

Meetings are held everyday at 7:00 am EST. In order to participate in the meetings, call 515 739-1529 and enter pin number 192390#.

Email Contact: womensoberlivingus@gmail.com

Zoom Into Sobriety

Open telephone discussion meeting from 7:30 PM until 8:30 PM ET on Fridays.

(Prefer an early morning meeting, then try our sister meeting from 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM ET on Saturdays; same link and phone numbers.)

Join us from anywhere in the world. Need a time zone converter, try https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

We have tried to ensure that our meetings cater especially, but not exclusively, to the needs of blind AAs

Audio via (Zoom) via Mac, Windows, Android, IOS, or dial in by phone.

Zoom is versatile and "screen-reader friendly.". Sleepers AAwake is audio-only, no video or text chat.

One tap mobile +16465588656,194505194# or dial +17207072699,,194505194#

Web Site: https://zoom.us/j/194505194
Email: jlblists@gmail.com

Meetings in Other Languages
Čeština/Slovenčina  |  Dansk  |  Deutsch  |  Español  |  Français
Ελληνικά | Italiano  |  日本語
Polski  |  Português  |  Russki  | Slovenčina  | Svenska
Open & Closed Meetings
"Open meetings are available to anyone interested in Alcoholics Anonymous' program of recovery from alcoholism. Nonalcoholics may attend open meetings as observers.

"Closed meetings are for AA members only, or for those who have a drinking problem and 'have a desire to stop drinking.'


Today, many people’s jobs may be affected by the spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. At Indeed, our mission is to help people get jobs. We’re compiling resources on how to work from home if you can, find work quickly when you need it and navigate a remote job search.

Register for our free webinar on navigating the job search during COVID-19.

Indeed Job Cast preview image

Get tips on staying productive and healthy while working from home.

Work From Home Guide preview image

Looking for work? Join the conversation on how to prep for your interview if it's remote.

Video Interview Tips preview image

More resources

Tips for navigating work in the midst of COVID-19.

View More 
COVID-19 and Your Job: Tips and Actions to Consider preview image

Here are some steps to consider taking whether you’re searching for a job, need gig work quickly, or have been asked to work from home.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are working from home while schools are closing or conducting virtual classes. As a result, many parents find themselves trying to work from home with their kids. Here are ways to stay productive.

As our daily lives shift with the spread of COVID-19, you may require the support of unemployment benefits. Here are several steps you can take to find the help you need when leaving a job.

Here are tips for protecting yourself from scams during your job search.

A list of COVID-19 job resources by state, including the department of labor and non-profit organizations.

Dear Friends, 

As this week comes to an end I have to pause for a moment to give thanks to each and every one of you.  The outpouring of support has humbled us as we work through this uncharted territory.  Your gifts of money, food and time are allowing us to continue to provide hope to hungry people in our community.  
As I said in the last email, we will do everything in our power to continue to provide food to hungry people throughout our region but in order to do that we have implemented the following:
  • Beginning March 23rd,  the Food Shelf at Second Harvest will be open Monday-Thursday 11:00am – 3:30pm and CLOSED ON FRIDAY.
  • We have started to distribute the Emergency Food Packs to food shelves.
  • We're continuing to work closely with Feeding America, other national food banks, public health, state departments, school districts, lawmakers, and others to determine our best response to this ever-changing public health impact. 
  • We're continuing to source additional food and non-food items, ahead of what's likely to be an increase in demand.
  • We have had conference calls with our network of regional agency partners (food shelves, soup kitchens, shelter, and others) to share with them the latest ways to best serve their clients during this time.
  • We continue to practice social distancing. 
  • We're ensuring the highest standard of hygiene for our facility, our employees, and our volunteers by continually wiping down all surfaces.
What have you done to help:
  • You have given us gifts.  Monetary gifts are much needed during this time.  These gifts will be used to purchase food and keep our operation running so we can continue to assist those in need.   Please continue to support us when you can by making a gift.
  • Many of you have reached out to us to volunteer.  As of today, we are limiting the number of volunteers in our building.  If you are on our volunteer list we will contact you if our need increases.
Our work is essential so, if you can stay home and do business with us by mail, phone, email or text, please do.  This will help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and help us continue to assist those in need

Thank you so much for your support.

Susan Estee, Executive Director
Second Harvest North Central Food Bank

"If you have had close contact with a person known to have COVID-19 or are experiencing mild to severe respiratory illness with fever, cough or difficulty breathing, you may be tested for COVID-19. Please go to Oncare.org to complete a free online evaluation

Disaster Declaration for Minnesota has been approved


Small businesses in MN can now apply for the SBA Disaster Assistance Funds

The declaration allows all Minnesota small businesses (according to SBA's size standards) with a substantial economic injury related to COVID-19 to apply for loans of up to $2M. These loans can go toward working capital to meet needs including payroll, accounts payable, and fixed debt payments until the situation improves. Interest rates are 3.75% for small businesses and 2.75% for non-profits. Business owners are now able to apply for a loan at https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela/.

Details include: 

  • Rates range from 2.75%-3.75% with terms up to 30 years. 
  • Loan proceeds may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills that could have been paid had the disaster not occurred. 
  • Loans under $25,000 can be made without collateral while loans over $25,000 should be collateralized. (However, the SBA will not decline a loan for lack of collateral.)
  • The applicant must have an acceptable credit history and ability to repay the loan, as determined by the SBA.
  • No cost to apply nor any obligation to accept the loan if approved. 
Apply for
                                                          SBA Disaster

The national call center is staffed seven days a week. Call them at 1-800-659-2955 (TTY/TDD: 1-800-877-8339) or email them at disastercustomerservice@sba.gov.

The loan process can be found at the link below and turnaround time is approximately five days for review and the receipt of funds once the loan is approved takes approximately 3 weeks.

Loan process: https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela/Documents/Three_Step_Process_SBA_Disaster_Loans.pdf


  1. Mental Health Minnesota | 651-493-6634 or 800-862-1799


  1. Warm line 651-288-0400 or text “Support” to 85511


  1. Crisis team at **CRISIS or click here for the county numbers https://mn.gov/dhs/people-we-serve/adults/health-care/mental-health/resources/crisis-contacts.jsp


  1. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)


  1. Crisis Text Line is available for free, 24/7 by texting MN to 741741


  1. Call the SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746. (TTY 1-800-846-8517)


  1. Minnesota Warmline Open Monday-Saturday, 5 PM to 10 PM  651-288-0400 Toll Free 877-404-3190 or text “Support” to 85511


  1. Wellness in the Woods Warmline- Peer to Peer Telephone Support Phone: 844-739-6369 Hours: 5pm to 9am

We offer a peer to peer telephone support line. It’s a safe and supportive place for people to call and speak with peers who are there to listen and support adults experiencing emotional distress.





If you, or someone you care about, are feeling overwhelmed with emotions like sadness, depression, or anxiety, or feel like you want to harm yourself or others call

  • 911

As the coronavirus situation continues to evolve, we know it's top-of-mind for you. We see it in the items you're buying and hear it in the conversations we're having in our stores. Please be assured we're working as hard as we can to take care of you and your family.

As the situation continues to change, we're taking action to better serve you.

Associate support
Your health and our associates' health is our top priority. We've asked any associate who feels unwell to stay home, and we've set a new policy to support any associate who may be affected by the virus—including paid leave for any associate who needs to self-quarantine.

Store hours & sanitation
We're taking extra measures to ensure a clean and healthy environment in our stores. We're dedicating associates in every store to sanitize high-traffic, high-touch areas, like registers and shopping carts.

To better support our associates and serve you, we've adjusted our operating hours. As of Sunday, March 15, Walmart stores and Neighborhood Markets have reduced hours to help ensure associates are able to stock the products our customers are looking for and to sanitize the stores. As such, pickup & delivery hours for all stores will be shortened as well. Check the
store finder on our site or app to verify your local store's pickup & delivery hours.

No-contact pickup & delivery
To help protect you and our associates during pickup, you may ask the associate to sign for the order on your behalf. This means you do not have to touch the associate's keypad to accept your order.

For delivery orders, drivers will practice social distancing when picking up your order at the store. The driver will stay in the car while the pickup associate loads the order into the driver's vehicle.

In addition, no-contact delivery to your home will be available next week. Through this option, you can authorize the driver to leave the order at your door, and you won't need to sign on the driver's phone to accept your order.

Available inventory
We've seen a significant increase in demand for products such as paper goods and cleaning supplies. As we work to replenish these items as fast as possible, we'll limit the quantity that can be ordered to ensure as many customers as possible have access to these items.

When we see items run out at the store, we'll temporarily remove them from the website to ensure we're accurately reflecting what is available.

Ordering ahead
To help ensure we can get you the items you ordered, we've shortened the time frame you can order ahead to two days (i.e., today and tomorrow). If your nearby Walmart does not have available times to place an order, please continue to check back with us—new time slots open up every morning.

Order delays & cancellations
Due to high demand, our pickup & delivery service may experience order delays, cancellations, or higher wait times during pickup. We'll stay in contact with you over email, text message, website, and mobile app to alert you of any potential delays or increased wait times at your store.

We ask that you provide your phone number during checkout to ensure that you receive important updates about your order. In addition, we recommend that you use the mobile app to check-in on your way to the store and enter your parking spot number once you arrive. This will help reduce wait times for everyone.

Lastly, please be assured we are actively monitoring the situation with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and our Chief Medical Officer, and we will adjust our policies as conditions change. You may learn more about our efforts

Please be well and stay safe.
Thank you,

Please share this community information:


 We are all aware that there will be some unforeseen needs in our
the community in the coming days and weeks.

Second Harvest Food Bank has been working with Trina Jacobson and a few
others to compile a special "potential" volunteer list to address
the community needs in response to COVID-19.
The number of volunteers needed is not currently known, nor are the
tasks to be done known.
You are under NO obligation to volunteer if asked. We understand that sometimes/days may not work for all. Please consider. Please share this post. The more the merrier.
One of the greatest gifts is the gift of time. God Bless??


400 River Road Suite #1
Grand Rapids, MN 55744

We've announced a couple of changes that will go into effect today and
last until further notice.

We’ll reduce hours and close all stores by 9 p.m. daily. This will
help us as we replenish and deeply clean our stores for our guests. And
it builds on measures we shared earlier this month, including
enhanced cleaning and more staffing for in-demand services that support
social distancing, like Order Pickup and Drive Up.

We’ll also reserve the first hour of shopping each Wednesday to
support vulnerable guests, including the elderly and those with
underlying health concerns.

In addition to these changes, we’re fast-tracking the flow of products
that are in highest demand, including food, medicine and other
essentials. We’ll continue to maintain limitations on in-demand items
and respectfully ask all guests to consider their immediate needs and
purchase accordingly so more families can find the products they need.

Taking care of our team