Coronavirus (COVID-19) Screening and Triage
We’ve created an assessment based on CDC guidance to help you protect yourself and loved ones and to know when to stay home and when to seek testing or medical attention.
Given the current shortage of testing availability and facilities, we currently are not ordering testing. However, we can help determine if you need it and provide the information to contact your local health department.
This service includes:
Patient evaluation based on medical history, symptoms, and recent travel
Counseling and education based on CDC guidelines
Recommendations on how and when to use social distancing or home isolation
Advice for when to seek testing or urgent medical attention
A visit is free of charge ($0).
How HeyDoctor Works
Board-certified, experienced doctors use HeyDoctor to provide a private doctor's visit from your home - so you get help, fast.
Quick Secure Online Visit
Complete a simple visit on your phone or computer.
Get A Treatment Plan
A healthcare provider will determine if a prescription is safe and appropriate.
Chat Anytime
Chat with your board-certified doctor anytime.
Submit your closing notices to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for inclusion on this list. Updated hourly.
- Leech Lake Diabetes Fitness Center- CLOSED until March 30
- Leech Lake ENP- Congregate Meal Sites CLOSED, Home Delivery available
- Leech Lake SNAP-ED- All classes CANCELED
- LLBO Head Start, Early Head Start, Child Care- CLOSED
- Food Distribution-Closed March 17, Reopening March 18!with updated intake process
- Leech Lake Twin Cities Office- CLOSED
- All LLBO Community Centers- CLOSED, exceptions made for official community food prep/distribution and funeral services
- Community Clinics (Onigum, Inger, Bena)- CLOSED
- Community Clinics (Ball Club)- Phone triage, please call ahead
- Diabetes Clinic- Phone only
- LLBO Transportation- CLOSED to Public, Employee transportation only
Leech Lake Gaming
- Cedar Lakes Casino
- Gaming Floor OPEN
- Bingo Hall CLOSED
- Poker & Novelty Games CLOSED
- Fitness Center CLOSED
- Northern Lights Casino
- Gaming Floor OPEN
- Poker & Novelty Games CLOSED
- Arcade CLOSED
- White Oak Casino
- Gaming Floor OPEN
Bug-O-Nay-Ge-Shig School
- School CLOSED March 17-March 28
- Families are requested to contact the school, see info here
Leech Lake Tribal College
- Spring Break extended to Monday, March 30th, 2020
- Campus closed to anyone over 60 years of age or with chronic medical conditions
Local Businesses/Organization
- Leech Lake Financial Services- OPEN, please call if possible
- Northwest Indian Community Development Center- CLOSING March 18
- Leech Lake Area Boys and Girls Club- CLOSED
- Cass Lake Area Food Shelf- Limited/No Building Access, Call ahead for pickup.
Community Events
- Twin Cities LIC Meeting (March)- CANCELED
- State Drum/Dance Competition (March 21) CANCELED
- Anishinaabe Star Knowledge (March 21 – Cedar Lakes) CANCELED
- Leech Lake Legacy March Wellness Clinic CANCELED
To join a recovery meeting at its scheduled time:
Dial in to: 612-351-3093 Enter Code: 8 2 7 1 7 7 SCHEDULED MEETINGS:
Women’s All Recovery Meeting 5:00 - 6:00 PM
All Recovery Meeting for all 2:00 - 3:00 PM
LGBTQ+ All Recovery Meeting 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Dual-Diagnosis All Recovery Meeting 10:00 - 11:00 AM
All Recovery Meeting for all 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM