1209 SE 2nd Avenue, Grand Rapids, Minnesota 55744-3983
Hearing Impaired Number TDD: 218-327-5549 (218) 327-2941 Visit us at: www.co.itasca.mn.us
COVID-19 Situational Update for March 16, 2020
1. Worldwide: The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 as a pandemic on March 11, 2020, due to cases that have been detected in most countries worldwide and community spread is being detected in a growing number of countries. Pandemics happen when a new virus emerges to infect people and can spread between people sustainably. Because there is little to no pre-existing immunity against the new virus, it spreads worldwide. As of yesterday March 15: • 153,517 confirmed positive cases (the majority have been in China, followed by Europe & Middle East) • 5,735 deaths (a majority in China)
2. Nationally: Different parts of the country are seeing different levels of COVID-19 activity. U.S. COVID-19 cases include: Imported cases in travelers Cases among close contacts of a known case Community-acquired cases where the source of the infection is unknown. Three U.S. states are experiencing sustained community spread. National statistics are updated by the CDC Mon-Friday. As of last Friday: • Total cases: 1,629 • Total deaths: 41 • Jurisdictions reporting cases: 47 (46 states and District of Columbia)
3. Minnesota: The MN Dept of Health is tracking stats of COVID-19. As of today: • 1893 people have been tested • 54 positive cases have been identified in MN. No deaths have occurred in MN • Counties with cases: Anoka, Blue Earth, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Olmsted, Ramsey, Renville, Sherburne, Stearns, Waseca, Washington, Wright • No cases have been identified in Itasca County • As of today, there is no evidence of community transmission in MN • MN (along w/ the rest of the country) continues to be in the containment phase and is now moving forward with mitigation strategies at the community level
Sources: MDH https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/index.html CDC https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/summary.html WHO https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/situation-reports/20200315-sitrep-55- covid-19.pdf?sfvrsn=33daa5cb_8
Support Within Reach Sexual Violence Resource Center remains open and serving clients to the highest degree possible.
The following guidelines have been implemented on an agency-wide basis:
- All large events have been canceled or postponed if possible, including our Fiesta scheduled for April 6
- All meetings, training or education of ten or more are going to virtual options including ongoing meetings
- As of now, all services are being provided for clients with social distancing in mind
Expect to see this when you are working with SWR and it is posted in our offices:
We are OPEN and here for you! We also want to make sure everyone can be as healthy as possible during the COVID-19 outbreak. Please know that we are implementing social distancing at this time (maintaining at least 6 feet whenever possible). We will be washing our hands and wiping all surfaces anytime we have shared space with one another, it’s not personal! We request no handshakes, hugs, fist-bumps or other close contacts at this time. SWR practices non-discrimination and so does COVID-19, help us all stay healthy!
How this affects the Itasca County Sexual Assault Interagency Council (ICSAIC) is that we will forego in-person meetings until further notice. Technology options are being researched and will be offered.
We continue to have access to hospitals with special screening procedures and will meet with clients in our offices one to one. Please let me know if you have questions and thank you for helping us get the word out so we can continue doing what we do best, serve our clients and participate with our partners in the Itasca County coordinated multi-disciplinary response to sexual violence!
Stay well,
Julie Anne Larkin
ICSAIC/SANE Coordinator
Sexual Assault Advocate
Please note our new address:
9 Willow Lane
Grand Rapids, MN 55744
(218) 326-5008
Aitkin Office
312 Minnesota Ave., Second Floor
Aitkin, MN 56431
Due to the current precautionary closure to the public, Grand Rapids Area Library staff would like to inform the community of some important updates:
- All returned items, regardless of the due date, will be checked in fine-free.
- All materials, except ukuleles, may be returned in the drive-up dropbox.
- You may access digital and online services with your Library card via our website: https://cityofgrandrapidsmn.com/libraryor https://www.alslib.info/. These include:
- The online card catalog – search eBooks, renew your checked-out items
- Overdrive/Libby – download eBooks and Audiobooks
- RB Digital – check out eMagazines and more
- All programs (for adults, teens, and children) are canceled for the remainder of March. This includes:
- Monday Book Time
- Saturday Story Time
- LEGO Club
- Becky Schlegel Duo
- Balanced Moose, Deer, and Wolf Management
- Reif on the River featuring Gaelynn Lea
- Identifying & Avoiding Scams
- All bookings of our meeting spaces are canceled. You will be contacted by the Library staff to confirm the cancellation.
- All volunteer activities are canceled until further notice.
- All passport acceptance is suspended.
Library staff are answering phones at 218-326-7640 from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday – and will continue to provide updates via Facebook, as available.
Food & Nutrition staff are reviewing illness policies, reinforcing proper hand-washing techniques, limiting visitors, and ensuring that food preparation sites are thoroughly cleaned. All employees who prepare food and assist in food service wear masks and gloves.
Meals will be available AT NO CHARGE to children 18 years of age and under or persons over 18 years of age who are determined by a state or local public educational agency to be mentally or physically handicapped. Meals will be provided at all of District #318’s school buildings. Independent School District #318 is organizing school meal deliveries to households ¾ of a mile and further from any 318 school. If you are interested in receiving delivery, please complete this form.
Meals will also be provided on a daily basis for pick-up in each school building entryway for families who prefer to pick up student meals.
- Grab and Go breakfast and lunch will be available at Bigfork School, Cohasset Elementary, Forest Lake Elementary, Murphy Elementary, Southwest Elementary, RJEMS, and GRHS.
- Meals will be available for pick-up in the school building entryway from 11:00-11:30 am, Monday through Friday, following the 2019-2020 student school calendar.
- Students may receive breakfast and lunch at the school building closest to their residence even if they are not enrolled in that building.
- Students or families picking up meals are not allowed to eat inside the school.
Please continue to check emails and listen to district phone calls as this information may change.
Local businesses have also reached out to provide meals for families. This is not a comprehensive list.
Timberwolf Inn - Marcell
- Starting Wednesday, March 18th, 2020 at 11am, we will be serving a FREE bag lunch to families in need. No other purchase will be necessary for this. Simply come in, talk to one of our employees and they will take care of you.
Sammy's Pizza - Grand Rapids
- Starting Wednesday, March 18, Sammy's will provide free bagged lunches for children who are missing out on meals with the school closures. *Limited quantities *Takeout and curbside only
Sweet Amelia - Grand Rapids Mall
- Starting on March 18th, 2020 Sweet Amelia's Cupcakery will offer a free hot ham and cheese with chips for any child who has no lunch from 11 am to 1 pm. No questions asked, no purchase necessary while supplies last.
Schools are closed through March 27th. Schools were not closed
because of an outbreak or transmission concern in schools. The purpose of this time is to plan for the potential of a longer closure and staff will be reporting to work the next 8 days to design distance learning activities.
-Second, schools are required to provide meals during the closure. Starting tomorrow,
Wednesday the 18th, we will be dropping off meals from 9:30-11:00 am at the following
- S. Lake Fire Hall
- Inger Community Center
- Ball Club Community Center
- Bena (intersection of cty 8 and hwy 2)
- Bowstring Store
- Winnie Dam (Gosh Dam Place)
- King Elementary
-Third, we will be running childcare for employees the state has identified as critical to
the response to the COVID-19 virus.
-Finally will continue to try to have information posted on our website as it becomes
Responding to COVID-19 can take an emotional toll on you. There are things you can do to reduce secondary traumatic stress (STS) reactions:
- Acknowledge that STS can impact anyone helping families after a traumatic event.
- Learn the symptoms including physical (fatigue, illness) and mental (fear, withdrawal, guilt).
- Allow time for you and your family to recover from responding to the pandemic.
- Create a menu of personal self-care activities that you enjoy, such as spending time with friends and family, exercising, or reading a book.
- Take a break from media coverage of COVID-19.
- Ask for help if you feel overwhelmed or concerned that COVID-19 is affecting your ability to care for your family and patients as you did before the outbreak.
Learn more tips for taking care of yourself during emergency response.
Children and teens react, in part, on what they see from the adults around them. When parents and caregivers deal with the COVID-19 calmly and confidently, they can provide the best support for their children. Parents can be more reassuring to others around them, especially children if they are better prepared.
Not all children and teens respond to stress in the same way. Some common changes to watch for include
- Excessive crying or irritation in younger children
- Returning to behaviors they have outgrown (for example, toileting accidents or bedwetting)
- Excessive worry or sadness
- Unhealthy eating or sleeping habits
- Irritability and “acting out” behaviors in teens
- Poor school performance or avoiding school
- Difficulty with attention and concentration
- Avoidance of activities enjoyed in the past
- Unexplained headaches or body pain
- Use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs
There are many things you can do to support your child
- Take time to talk with your child or teen about the COVID-19 outbreak. Answer questions and share facts about COVID-19 in a way that your child or teen can understand.
- Reassure your child or teen that they are safe. Let them know it is ok if they feel upset. Share with them how you deal with your own stress so that they can learn how to cope from you.
- Limit your family’s exposure to news coverage of the event, including social media. Children may misinterpret what they hear and can be frightened about something they do not understand.
- Try to keep up with regular routines. If schools are closed, create a schedule for learning activities and relaxing or fun activities.
- Be a role model. Take breaks, get plenty of sleep, exercise, and eat well. Connect with your friends and family members.
Learn more about helping children cope.
Know the facts and stay up to date on the current status of COVID-19 in Minnesota
Our public health partners are the experts on coronavirus and COVID-19. Please follow these links for the latest accurate information about COVID-19.
Minnesota Department of Health (MDH):
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
- General Information on COVID-19
- Information for Schools and Child Care
- COVID-19 Information for Travel
Practice good hygiene habits to avoid the spread of illness and to help keep you and your family healthy:
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, or cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve, not your hands.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand cleaner.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Can I get the virus if I come into contact with contaminated surfaces/objects?
It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes. This is why experts recommend that you wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your face. Our building and grounds staff have been increasing illness prevention procedures and cleaning measures.
Above all, the common thread among all these experts was that we need to stay informed by trusted sources. “There are two sources," explained Aiysha Malik, Technical Officer, Department of Mental Health and Substance Use, World Health Organization. "One is WHO (World Health Organization); the other is your national authority. ... A repeated message for managing fear in the COVID-19 response is to get facts. Facts minimize fear.”
The danger is that with headlines blaring around us, news outlets vying to be the first to break news, and our social media feeds locking us in echo chambers, there's a risk of an "infodemic," in which misinformation spreads.
What can people do to protect themselves and others from getting the new coronavirus?
World Health Organization (WHO)
County |
County Seat/Large City |
Phone Numbers |
Aitkin |
Aitkin |
1-800-462-5525 |
Anoka |
Anoka |
1-763-755-3801 |
Becker |
Detroit Lakes |
1-218-850-HELP(4357) |
Beltrami |
Bemidji |
1-800-422-0045 |
Benton |
Foley |
1-800-635-8008 |
Big Stone |
Ortonville |
1-800-432-8781 |
Blue Earth |
Mankato |
1-877-399-3040 |
Brown |
New Ulm |
1-877-399-3040 |
Carlton |
Carlton |
1-844-772-4724 |
Carver |
Chaska |
1-952-442-7601 |
Cass |
Walker |
1-800-462-5525 |
Chippewa |
Montevideo |
1-800-432-8781 |
Chisago |
Center City |
1-800-523-3333 |
Clay |
Moorhead |
1-800-223-4512 |
Clearwater |
Bagley |
1-800-422-0045 |
Cook |
Grand Marais |
1-844-772-4724 |
Cottonwood |
Windom |
1-800-642-1525 |
Crow Wing |
Brainerd |
1-800-462-5525 |
Dakota |
Hastings |
1-952-891-7171 |
Dodge |
Mantorville |
1-844-274-7472 |
Douglas |
Alexandria |
1-701-364-0431 |
Faribault |
Blue Earth |
1-877-399-3040 |
Fillmore |
Preston |
1-844-274-7472 |
Freeborn |
Albert Lea |
1-877-399-3040 |
Goodhue |
Red Wing |
1-844-274-7472 |
Grant |
Elbow Lake |
1-701-364-0431 |
Hennepin |
Minneapolis |
Adult 1-612-596-1223 |
Houston |
Caledonia |
1-844-274-7472 |
Hubbard |
Park Rapids |
1-800-422-0045 |
Isanti |
Cambridge |
1-800-523-3333 |
Itasca |
Grand Rapids |
1-218-326-8565 |
Jackson |
Jackson |
1-800-642-1525 |
Kanabec |
Mora |
1-800-523-3333 |
Kandiyohi |
Willmar |
1-800-432-8781 |
Kittson |
Hallock |
1-800-282-5005 |
Koochiching |
International Falls |
1-800-442-8565 |
Lac Qui Parle |
Madison |
1-800-432-8781 |
Lake |
Two Harbors |
1-844-772-4724 |
Lake of the Woods |
Baudette |
1-800-422-0045 |
LeSueur |
LeCenter |
1-877-399-3040 |
Lincoln |
Ivanhoe |
1-800-658-2429 |
Lyon |
Marshall |
1-800-658-2429 |
Mahnomen |
Mahnomen |
1-800-282-5005 |
Marshall |
Warren |
1-800-282-5005 |
Martin |
Fairmont |
1-877-399-3040 |
McLeod |
Glencoe |
1-320-864-2713 |
Meeker |
Litchfield |
1-800-432-8781 |
Mille Lacs |
Milaca |
1-800-523-3333 |
Morrison |
Little Falls |
1-800-462-5525 |
Mower |
Austin |
1-844-274-7472 |
Murray |
Slayton |
1-800-658-2429 |
Nicollet |
St. Peter |
1-877-399-3040 |
Nobles |
Worthington |
1-800-642-1525 |
Norman |
Ada |
1-800-282-5005 |
Olmsted |
Rochester |
1-844-274-7472 |
Otter Tail |
Fergus Falls |
1-800-223-4512 |
Pennington |
Thief River Falls |
1-800-282-5005 |
Pine |
Pine City |
1-800-523-3333 |
Pipestone |
Pipestone |
1-800-642-1525 |
Polk |
Crookston |
1-800-282-5005 |
Pope |
Glenwood |
1-701-364-0431 |
Ramsey |
St. Paul |
1-651-266-7900 |
Red Lake |
Red Lake Falls |
1-800-282-5005 |
Redwood |
Redwood Falls |
1-800-658-2429 |
Renville |
Olivia |
1-800-432-8781 |
Rice |
Faribault |
1-877-399-3040 |
Rock |
Luverne |
1-800-642-1525 |
Roseau |
Roseau |
1-800-282-5005 |
Scott |
Shakopee |
952-818-3702 |
Sherburne |
Elk River |
1-800-635-8008 |
Sibley |
Gaylord |
1-877-399-3040 |
St. Louis - Northern |
Eveleth/Virgnia |
1-218-288-2100 |
St. Louis - Southern |
Duluth |
1-218-623-1800 |
Stearns |
St. Cloud |
1-800-635-8008 |
Steele |
Owatona |
1-844-274-7472 |
Stevens |
Morris |
1-701-364-0431 |
Swift |
Benson |
1-800-432-8781 |
Todd |
Long Prairie |
1-800-462-5525 |
Traverse |
Wheaton |
1-701-364-0431 |
Wabasha |
Wabasha |
1-844-274-7472 |
Wadena |
Wadena |
1-800-462-5525 |
Waseca |
Waseca |
1-844-274-7472 |
Washington |
Stillwater |
1-651-275-7400 |
Watonwan |
St. James |
1-877-399-3040 |
Wilkin |
Breckenridge |
1-800-223-4512 |
Winona |
Winona |
1-844-274-7472 |
Wright |
Buffalo |
1-800-635-8008 |
Yellow Medicine |
Granite Falls |
1-800-658-2429 |